Twenty-seventh Session of the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (WP.6)
Twenty-seventh Session of the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (WP.6)
Introduction and Timetable
The 27th Annual Session of the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (WP.6) took place from 28 November 2017 to 30 November 2017.
It featured an international conference on "Standards for the SDGs". The conference discussed how standards support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development as a global undertaking. After a high-level panel, three SDSs were looked into more closely:
- Standards for SDG 5 - gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls,
- Standards for SDG 12 - sustainable consumption and production patterns, and
- Standards for SDG 14 – the sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources.
The Annual Session of the Working Party reviewed the intersessional developments and proposed plans for future work. The items discussed included: risk management in regulatory system, international regulatory cooperation, standardization and regulatory policies, conformity assessment and accreditation, market surveillance, and capacity-building.
Main outcomes of the meeting:
Member States agreed to create an Advisory Board that will work with the Bureau to support and monitor the activities of the Working Party.
The Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies adopted the new Recommendation T on “Standards and Regulations for Sustainable Development” at its 27th Annual Session. Recommendation T provides guidance to member states on how to use risk management tools in regulatory frameworks to implement SDGs.
The Working Party launched a new initiative on cybersecurity which aims at addressing various risks posed to the cybersecurity environment, and focus on the aspect of conformity assessment.
28 (pm) - 29(am) November: Programme of the International Conference on "Standards for the SDGs"
29 (pm)-30 November: The timetable for the 27th Session of the Working Party 6
For further Information, please contact:
Ms. Lorenza Jachia
Secretary to the WP.6
Tel.: + 41 22 917 55 93
Email: [email protected]
Standards for the SDGs
International Conference on Standards for the SDGs
15:00 - 15:15 |
OPENING of the International Conference on “Standards for the SDGs” Ms. Marion Stoldt, WP.6 Chairperson Mr. Michael Møller, Director-General of the United Nations Office in Geneva Ms. Isabelle Durant, Deputy Secretary General, UNCTAD |
15:15 - 17:00 |
High-Level Segment - International Conference on “Standards for the SDGs” Moderator: Mr.Stephan Naundorf, Better Regulation Unit, Federal Chancellery, Germany Mr. Bastian Buck, Director Standards, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Ms. Karin Kreider, Executive Director, ISEAL Alliance (International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling Alliance) Mr. Marco Lambertini, Director General, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Mr. Sergio Mujica, Secretary-General, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Mr. Frans Vreeswijk, Secretary General, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Questions and answer and discussion on way forward |
17:00– 18:00 |
SESSION 1: Gender-responsive standards (SDG 5) Ms. Lorenza Jachia, UNECE Ms. Stephanie Eynon, BSI Group, United Kingdom Ms. Tammy Hall, Head of Strategies and Standards, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Ms. Ziva Patir, CEO at PATIR CONSULTANTS, Israel Questions and answer and discussion on way forward Cocktail reception hosted by the WP.6 Secretariat |
10:10 -11:30 |
SESSION 2: Sustainable production and consumption (SDG 12) Mr. Song Guojian, Director, Standardization Administration of China Ms. Cristina Martinez de Silva, Senior Programme Manager, UNCTAD Mr. Rakesh Vazirani, Director, Product Traceability & Environmental Information Management, TÜV Rheinland Group Ms. Ran Wang, Research Institute of Global Value Chains, China Ms. Barbara Bijelic,Legal Expert,Responsible Business Conduct Unit, OECD Questions and answer and discussion on way forward |
11:30 – 12:30 |
SESSION 3: Managing risks for sustainable fisheries (SDG 14) Mr. David Vivas Eugui, UNCTAD Mr. David Agnew, Science and Standards Director, Marine Stewardship Council Mr. Gianluigi Negroni, HCL Consultants Mr. Simon Webb, Executive Director, The Nichols Group on behalf of Mr. Roland Cormier, Institute for Coastal Research, Germany Ms. Maria Teresa Pisani, UN/CEFACT Questions and answer and discussion on way forward |
12:30- 13:00 |
How can the Working Party support the SDGs? Open discussion |
Session Documents
Document Title |
Item 1: Adoption of the agenda | |||
Annotated provisional agenda ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/1 |
Item 2: Election of Officers | |||
Item 3: International Conference on "Standards for the Sustainable Development Goals" | |||
From commitment to action: Standards at work for the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/3 |
The “Gender Informed Standards and Technical Regulations” ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/4 |
Report on the meeting of the GRM on “Risk management in regulatory frameworks in support of Sustainable Development Goals” ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/5 |
Item 4: Matters arising and Programme of Work | |||
(a) Report of the past session and intersessional developments | |||
Report of the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies on its twenty-sixth session ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2016/2 |
(b) Reports by other United Nations Commission for Europe bodies of potential interest to the Working Party | |||
(c) Adoption of Working Party's work plan 2018 - 2019 | |||
Programme of work of the trade subprogramme 2018 - 2019 ECE/CTCS/2017/10 |
Programme of work of the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies for 2018-2019 ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/6 |
Item 5: Risk management in regulatory systems | |||
Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks ECE/TRADE/390 |
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(a) Report of Activities under the Group of Experts on Managing Risks in Regulatory Systems Group | |||
Progress report on the activities of the Group of Experts on Managing Risks in Regulatory Systems (GRM) ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/7 |
(b) Discussion on draft Recommendation T on "Standards and Regulations for Sustainable Development" | |||
Recommendation T on "Standards and Regulations for Sustainable Development" ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/8 |
Item 6: International regulatory cooperation | |||
(a) Regional developments | |||
(b) Sectoral projects | |||
Progress report on the activities of the sectoral initiative on Earth-Moving Machinery (EMM) ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/9 |
Progress report on the activities of the sectoral initiative on Equipment for Explosive Environments (SIEEE) ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/10 |
Progress report on the activities of the sectoral initiative on the Safety of Pipelines ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/11 |
Item 7: Review of recent developments in standardization | |||
(a) Review of developments in standardization | |||
(b) Education on standards-related issues | |||
Item 8: Review of recent developments in conformity assessment and accreditation | |||
Item 9: Market surveillance | |||
(a) Update from the Advisory Group on Market Surveillance | |||
Report on the Advisory Group on Market Surveillance, its activities and its meetings ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/12 |
(b) The Market Surveillance Model Initiative | |||
Market surveillance general concept and how it relates to the activities of the Working Party ECE/TRADE/C/WP.6/2009/11 |
Draft guide to the use of the General Market Surveillance Model ECE/TRADE/C/WP.6/2009/12 |
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(c) Common definitions and terminology in market surveillance | |||
Glossary of Market Surveillance Terms ECE/TRADE/389 |
(d) Update on the development of the Global Market Surveillance database | |||
Item 10: Metrology | |||
Item 11: Capacity-building | |||
Item 12: Other business | |||
Item 13: Adoption of the report | |||
Report on the Session ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2017/2 |
Session Agenda
WEDNESDAY, 29 NOVEMBER 2017 afternoon session |
15:00 – 15:10 |
Election of officers |
15:10 – 16:00 |
SESSION 4: New direction of work for WP. 6 Discussion, with inputs from other UNECE bodies, and adoption of decisions Ms. Lorenza Jachia, Secretary, WP.6 Mr. Mika Vepsäläinen, Secretary, UNECE Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards Ms. Liliana Annovazi-Jakab, Secretary, Agricultural quality standards (WP.7) Mr. Lance Thompson, UN/CEFACT Mr. Oleg Dzioubinski, Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE |
The System of Technical Regulation of the Republic of Belarus ENG RUS
Regulatory and Procedures Barriers to Trade in selected UNECE countries
ACP-EU Technical Barriers to Trade Project
WWF and Iseal Alliance Report
Eurasian Eurasian Commission Library
Swedish National Board of Trade
Gender-Responsive Standards Initiative group