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HLG-MOS Workshop on the Modernization of Official Statistics 2024

HLG-MOS Workshop on the Modernization of Official Statistics 2024

04 - 06 November 2024
Geneva Switzerland

About the meeting

The High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics (HLG-MOS) was established by the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) in 2010 to actively steer the modernisation of statistical organisations. The mission of the HLG-MOS is to work collaboratively to identify trends, threats and opportunities in modernising statistical organisations and provide a common platform for experts to develop solutions in a flexible and agile way. The purpose of the workshop was to ensure that the work of HLG-MOS is community driven and that activities and initiatives are aligned with the implementation of the HLG‑MOS vision, avoiding duplication and maximising efficiency. The workshop will also include sessions where the broad official statistics community could share ongoing initiatives related to modernisation and innovation, thus creating synergies among the organisations and opportunities for further collaboration, which will further enrich the work programme of HLG-MOS.

The target audience of the workshop is experts, managers and leaders in statistical organisations who work on modernisation and innovation initiatives. This includes experts who have participated in the HLG-MOS activities this year as well as those with a broad knowledge of the recent developments in this area and understanding of international cooperation.

Document Title Documents
Information Notice 1 (concept note)  PDF
Information Notice 2 (logistical information)  PDF
Tentative timetable PDF

Rethinking role of the NSOs for the future

The Future of NSOs: Challenges and Opportunities - Osama Rahman (UK ONS)  
Data, services and skills – CSO supports for the Irish public sector - Paul Morrin (CSO Ireland)  
Data Integration: a holistic approach, the National Data Infrastructure - Paulo Saraiva (Statistics Portugal)  
Applications of AI tools: a mirror for NSOs - Ed Sherman (UK ONS)  

HLG-MOS Projects Reporting

Generative AI for Official Statistics - Vytas Vaiciulis (CSO Ireland)  
Statistical Open-Source Software - Carlo Vaccari (UNECE Project Manager)  

HLG-MOS Modernisation Group Reporting and Plans

HLG-MOS Expert Meetings – Alexander Kowarik (Statistics Austria), Paulo Saraiva (Statistics Portugal) and InKyung Choi (UNECE)  
Applying Data Science and Modern Methods - Gary Dunnet (Statistics New Zealand) [online], Riitta Piela (Statistics Finland) and Mohammed Haddou (Statistics Canada) [online]  
Capabilities and Communication – Anna Borowska (Statistics Poland), Janice Keenan (Statistics Canada) and Fabrizio Rotundi (Istat, Italy)  
Supporting Standards - Flavio Rizzolo (Statistics Canada) [online]  
Blue-Skies Thinking Network – Barteld Braaksma (Statistics Netherlands)  

Setting Modernisation Agenda for 2025

HLG-MOS Project Proposals for 2024