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MIPAA meets SDG1

MIPAA meets SDG1

31 January 2018
Geneva Switzerland

MIPAA meets SDG1: Responses to old-age poverty in the UNECE region

On the occasion of the 56th Session of the Commission of Social Development that took place from 29 January to 7 February 2018 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the UNECE Working Group on Ageing held a side event exploring how the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing and its Regional Implementation Strategy can contribute to the implementation of SDG1 (on eradicating poverty). Austria, France and Norway shared policy strategies addressing the risk of old-age poverty through inclusive policies and the promotion of active ageing.

Flyer for the side event

Summary of the side event

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Introduction by Erika Winkler, Former Chair of the UNECE Working Group on Ageing PDF
3rd MIPAA/RIS review: old-age poverty and exclusion in the UNECE Region
Vitalija Gaucaite Wittich, Chief, Population Unit, UNECE
Austria: Intervention by Philipp Charwath, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations PDF
Norway: Safe and active ageing in an inclusive welfare society
Aina Strand, Vice-Chair of the UNECE Working Group on Ageing
Fighting older person's exclusion and adapting society to population ageing: France key elements of legislation and policies
Pascal Froudière, member of the Bureau of the Working Group on Ageing
Intervention by Dirk Jarré, Former Civil Society Representative on the UNECE Working Group on Ageing PDF