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Second Workshop on Active Ageing Indicators

Second Workshop on Active Ageing Indicators

23 - 24 June 2016
Minsk Belarus


Documents ENG RUS
Click icon/link to open/download    
Programme / Программа PDF PDF
List of participants PDF
Report PDF  
Note on the suggested variables for the indicators of active ageing / Записка по предложенным переменным для показателей активного старения PDF PDF
Data table for the active ageing indicators XLS
Practical information / Практическая информация PDF PDF  
Concept note PDF PDF  
Summary of group discussion      
Group 1   PDF  
Group 2   PDF  
Group 3 PDF    
Third cycle of review and appraisal of MIPAA/RIS implementation, Vitalija Gaucaite Wittich, UNECE PDF PDF  
Overview of countries' replies, Olga Kharitonova, UNECE PDF PDF  
Belarus: preparations for the national reporting, Hanna Zakreuskaya, Research Institute of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus PDF PDF  
Overview of the data sources for the active ageing indicators, Vitalija Gaucaite Wittich, UNECE PDF PDF  
Methodology, data sources and possible proxies for selected indicators, Jürgen Bauknecht, Technical University of Dortmund and Maria Varlamova, Institute for Social Development Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow) PDF PDF  
Active Ageing Index (AAI), Olga Kharitonova, UNECE PDF PDF  
Active Ageing Index in Serbia, Gordana Bjelobrk, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia PDF PDF  
Active Ageing Index in the Republic of Moldova, Olga Gagauz, Centre for Demographic Research, Academy of Sciences of Moldova PDF PDF