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Workshop "Building resilient communities through urban planning and the integration of Natural Sciences"

Workshop "Building resilient communities through urban planning and the integration of Natural Sciences"

13 January 2015
University of Geneva, Uni Mail Geneva Switzerland

Venue: University of Geneva, Uni Mail

This workshop discussed the integration of hazards, risks analysis and Natural Sciences into policy making for cities and human settlements of the most vulnerable countries of the ECE region.

The workshop was jointly organized by UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management and the Programme on Assessment and Management of Geological and Climate Related Risk - CERG-C of the University of Geneva.

The workshop language was English.


Workshop report


Title ENG
Earthquake Hazard and Risk in Urban Areas
Prof. Donat Fäh, Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
"Disaster as a window of opportunity?": The role of planning and planners in the reconstruction of Kalamata City, Greece after the 1986 earthquakes
Ms. Miranda Dandoulaki, National Centre of Public Administration and Local Government, Greece
Climate change and cities
Prof. Martin Beniston, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva
Information and mapping for making good decisions in the planning process
Anna Sjödin, UNISDR UPAG, Sweden
Risk Changes: Spatial Decision Support System for the analysis of changing multi-hazard risk
Prof. Cees Van Westen, ITC, Netherlands
Complex urban disasters challenging cities' development
Prof. Adriana Galderisi, University Federico II of Naples, Italy
Systemic analysis of territories for global impact assessment
Mr. Eric Leroi, URBATER, France
Impact assessment to support more resilient, recovery and enhanced risk mitigation strategies
Prof. Scira Menoni, Politecnico de Milano, CERG-C, Italy
Human Induced Hazards: Convention on Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents
Mr. Nikolay Savov, UNECE, Switzerland
Spatial planning: An integrated and coordinated approach
Mr. Louis Gatt, Parliamentary Secretariat for Planning and Simplification of Administrative Processes, Government of Malta
Global Human Settlements information to support Disaster Risk Reduction
Dr. Daniele Ehrlich, JRC-European Commission
UNECE Policy Study on Urban Planning
Mr. Michele Melchiorri and Mr. Noel Sampson, UNECE Secretariat