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Strengthening national capacities in the area of housing, urban development and land management

Strengthening national capacities in the area of housing, urban development and land management

27 - 28 April 2017
Chisinau Republic of Moldova

The final national two-day workshop was organized jointly by the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, the Land Relations and Cadaster Agency of the Republic of Moldova, UNECE and UN-Habitat. The workshop presented the National Action Plan on Housing, Urbanism and Land Management of Moldova and discussed its implementation.

Workshop agenda     ENG     RUS


Presentations - Day 1
Harmonious and sustainable spatial development of localities and the national territory
Serghei Munteanu, Ministry or Regional Development and Construction, Republic of Moldova
Urbanism and Land Relations from Chisinau Mayoralty
Alexei Țurcan, Chisinau Mayoralty
Management of urban planning: practical aspects
Alexandr Cuzimin, Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences; Architect of Moscow City
Urbanization and urban planning
Irina Ilyina, Institute of Regional Studies and Urban Planning, Russia
Improvement of the legal and normative framework in the area of land management
Lilian Mindov, Land Relations and Cadaster Agency, Republic of Moldova
Delimitation of public patrimony
Cristina Nicolaescu, State Enterprise "Institute of Design for Territory Organization"
Presentations - Day 2
Presentation of the Action Plan
Elena Bejenaru, Ministry or Regional Development and Construction, Republic of Moldova
Implementation of the reform for housing management, stopping the process of exiting dwelling fund degradation
Olga Serbinos, Ministry or Regional Development and Construction, Republic of Moldova
The new approaches on the Law on Condominium
Octavian Cazac, member of the working group on drafting the Law on Condominium
Progress in fulfilling the project
Iunona Lungul, Implementation Unit, Project for building social housing
Housing fund of the Republic of Moldova in figures
Svetlana Bulgac, National Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Moldova I
Institutional aspects of housing stock management
Martii Lujanen, ex-Ministry of Environment, Finland
Management of housing fund administrated by LPA / COA in the Republic of Moldova
Veaceslav Bulat, Institute of Urban Development
Management of the housing fund by the local public administration
Genadii Dubița, General Housing and Management Division of the Chisinau Council
Interaction of the associations of co-owners of apartments with the local public administration and development perspectives
Oleg Cernei, Association of Co-owners in Condominium
Financial aspects of apartment building management, best practices
Martii Lujanen, ex-Ministry of Environment, Finland