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Global Virtual Workshop “Building Urban Economic Resilience during and after COVID-19”

Global Virtual Workshop “Building Urban Economic Resilience during and after COVID-19”

12 August 2020

08:00 – 11:00 CEST via Zoom

The COVID-19 pandemic is far more than a health crisis; it is affecting societies and economies to their core. To address the need to recover better from this and other socio-economic crises, the United Nations Regional Commissions, together with UNCDF and UN-Habitat, are working on a joint project on Building  Urban Economic Resilience during and after COVID-19.

This workshop was organized in the context of this project with the aim to showcase measures taken by cities from different regions across the world and to initiate a global dialogue on how cities can better address the impacts of this crisis through economic recovery and resilience building.

This Global Virtual Workshop was organized by the UN-Habitat City Resilience Global Programme (CRGP) in partnership with the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and the UN Regional Commissions for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) and Europe (UNECE).

The Global Virtual Workshop was open for participation by representatives of national, local and regional governments, affiliated institutions, academia and related stakeholders.