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Third meeting of the EaP GREEN Steering Committee

Third meeting of the EaP GREEN Steering Committee

08 October 2014
Minsk Belarus

The third meeting of the EaP GREEN Steering Committee will take place in Minsk, Belarus on 8 October 2014. It will bring together the National Focal Points from the EaP countries, representatives of the civil society and relevant Regional Environmental Centres and the four EaP GREEN partners (OECD, UNECE, UNEP, and UNIDO). The key objective is to discuss progress with programme implementation and plans for the following year.

In addition, each Annual Steering Committee meeting features a thematic discussion. The 2014 meeting will focus on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) as a tool for mainstreaming environment into economic development at a national and local level. The participants will further be invited to discuss challenges and lessons learned with regard to developing national legislative frameworks and practice for application of SEA in different economic sectors and geographical scales. The role of the international financial institutions will also be addressed.

Document Title ENG RUS OTHER
Agenda ENG RUS  
Introduction to the UNECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment
Ms. Aphrodite Smagadi, Secretary of the UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context.
Strategic environmental assessment and green economy
Martin Smutny, Integra Consult

Belarus: Challenges in application of SEA in Belarus and ways to address them under EaP GREEN Programme,

Mr. Alexander Andreev, Ministry of Natural Resources

Estonia: Strategic environmental assessment of Estonia’s energy sector development programme for 2020
Ms. Ljubov Gornaja, Expert in environmental reporting and environmental economics


Czech Republic: SEA in spatial planning,
Mr. Martin Smutny, Integra Consulting


Poland: Experiences in application of the SEA in the transboundary context for spatial development  planning,
Ms. Paulina Filipipak, General Directorate for Environmental Protection


Ukraine: SEA of Sustainable Development Strategy for Bakhchisaraysky District & experience of EBRD in carrying out strategic environmental review of the Ukraine sustainable energy lending facility,
Ms. Olena Borysova, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development






Moldova: Development of the SEA legislative framework and its pilot application to the Orhei Town Master Plan.
Ms. Maria Nagorny, Ministry of Environment