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SEA pilot application for the Road Map on Green Economy in Moldova: Initial Training Workshop

SEA pilot application for the Road Map on Green Economy in Moldova: Initial Training Workshop

02 - 03 December 2015
Chisinau Republic of Moldova

The Ministry of Environment, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, initiated, starting with 27 October 2015, the development of the Road map on the promotion of the green economy in the Republic of Moldova.

The goal of the development is to promote the implementation of Green Economy principles in Moldova, in identification and application of priority measures for the GE promotion for the period of 2016-2020.

The objective of the Road map is to promote the implementation of the provisions of the Outcome Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development “The Future We Want” (Rio de Janeiro, 20-22 June 2012), National Development Strategy of the Republic of Moldova for 2012-2020 “Moldova 2020”, Declaration of Intention on Sustainable Development and Green Economy (Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, 08 April 2014), Energy Strategy 2030, Strategy for the development of SMEs for 2012-2020, Strategy for the development of agricultural sector 2013-2020, Environmental Strategy 2014-2023,  the Association Agreement EU-RM and the Action Program for its implementation for 2014-2016, other relevant strategic and policy documents in this domains.

The development of the Road map is coordinated by the Inter-ministerial Working Group on sustainable development and green economy, established by the Government of Moldova in July 2015, in the framework of the EU funded Programme Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood (EaP-GREEN), with the support of UNEP ROE, UNECE, OECD and UNIDO.

In this context Public Association EcoContact with support of UNECE Espoo Convention Secretariat decided to elaborate the Strategic Environment Assessment for the proposed Road Map as a National Pilot Project.

Through the National Pilot Project we would like to use the SEA as instrument which will contribute to the decision making process to achieve the environmentally sound and sustainable development reflected into the Road Map on Green Economy and to improve the  good governance and to build public trust and  confidence in decision-making.

The Pilot project will contribute:

(a)  to further build institutional capacities and expertise to conduct SEA at the national level;

(b) to clarify the roles and responsibilities of various national authorities in the SEA system

(c) to provide recommendations for environmental optimization and modifications of the National Green Economy Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova (Action Plan), and

(d) to support elaboration the Guidelines for the implementation the draft Law on SEA.

For more information could be contacted Team Leader Mrs. Iordanca-Rodica Iordanov (P.A. EcoContact) e-mail [email protected] // // GSM + 373 79716696

Document title ENG ROM
Background documents    
Agenda ENG  
Report ENG  
List of participants ENG  

SEA EaP Green activities in supporting the implementation of the SEA Protocol of the Espoo Convention in Moldova

Introduction of the pilot project on the application of the SEA Draft Law in the process of preparing the roadmap for promoting green economy

Mrs. Rodica Iordanov, Team Leader


SEA benefits and  key procedural steps

Mr. Michal Musil, International expert, UNECE 


What is Scoping and why we do it? The role of the SEA scoping, techniques and approaches

Mr. Michal Musil, International expert, UNECE


 SEA Scoping: Practical Examples


- SEA for Spatial Plan of Osječko-baranjska County: Scoping Table (results)

- Scoping decision for the SEA of the 2nd Transport Sector Strategy (2TSS) issued by the MOE

Mr. Michal Musil, International expert, UNECE









SEA Scoping. General Discussion

Mrs. Rodica Iordanov, Team Leader, and 

Mr. Michal Musil, International expert, UNECE


SEA application: Baseline analysis. The connection with the Scoping; challenges; practical examples

Mr. Michal Musil, International expert, UNECE


SEA application: The baseline analysis in the SEA for the Master Plan of Orhei town

Mr. Andrei Isac, Local Consultant


SEA application: Sharing experience from the first pilot SEA in Moldova

Mrs. Rodica Iordanov, Team Leader