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First meeting of Task Force on Extreme Weather Events under the Protocol on Water and Health

First meeting of Task Force on Extreme Weather Events under the Protocol on Water and Health

21 - 22 April 2008
Rome Italy

The first meeting of the Task Force took place on 21-22 April 2008 in Rome, Italy. The Task Force considered implementation of its mandate related to preparation of guidelines on the safe operation of water supply and sanitation facilities in urban and rural areas in case of short term critical situations, and to preparation of a strategy paper on how to cope with the potential impact of climate change, and on adaptation and mitigation programmes for water supply and sanitation. The Task Force discussed, among other issues, cooperation with the Protocol’s Task Force on Surveillance and the Task Force on Water and Climate established under the Water Convention.

The meeting was open to experts from Parties and non-Parties to the Protocol representing governmental authorities, the private sector and non-governmental organizations as well as other interested stakeholders. In this respect, focal points are requested to facilitate nomination of relevant experts from their respective countries.

The documents, presentations and other material for this meeting can be found in the table below. They will be posted on this web-site as soon as they become available.



Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Agenda DOC    




Concept note for the Guidance on the environment and health aspects of water and adaptation to climate change DOC    
Guidance for discussion on item 6 DOC    
Information notice on the Workshop on water and adaptation to climate change PDF    
Draft Guidance on water and climate adaptation DOC    
Guidance for reporting DOC   DOC

Background Material

Document Title ENG
Human health, IPCC PDF
Using climate to predict infectious disease epidemics,WHO PDF
Global climate change: implications for international public health policy, WHO DOC
Global Health Impacts of Floods: Epidemiologic Evidence, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health PDF
Emerging challPDFes-New Findings, GEO YEAR BOOK 2004/5 PDF
Newsletter of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, # 14, 2000 PDF
Climate change and food security; A framework Document, FAO PDF


Document Title ENG

Protocol on Water and Health to the Convention on the Protection and use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes,

Ms. Luciana Sinisi, Chairperson of the Task Force on Extreme Weather Events


Work of the Task Force on Water and Climate

Mr. Jos Timmermanm, Centre for Water Management, Netherlands


Guidance document on Water and Climate adaptation

Mr. Jos Timmerman, Centre for Water Management, Netherlands


Work of the Task Force on Surveillance

Ms. Monica Francesca Blasi, Ms. Paola Meli, Mr. Mario Carere, Mr. Enzo Funari, National Institute of Health, Italy


Extreme weather, water and health

WHO Regional Office for Europe, European Centre for Environment and Health


Water, Climate Change and Health

Mr. R Aertgeerts, Regional adviser, water and sanitation, Co-secretary, Protocol on Water and Health, WHO Regional Office for Europe, European Centre for Environment and Health


Work on water and climate adaptation under the Water Convention and the Protocol on Water and Health

Ms. Francesca Bernardini, UNECE


Numerical models for the monitoring and forecasting of hydrological disasters triggered by extreme meteorological events

Ms. Gabriella Ceci, EuroMediterranean Centre for Climate Changes


Drinking-water outbreak due to karst water flooding - environmental health aspect

National Institute of Environmental Health, Budapest


Contribution to the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health – Italy 2009

Ms. Benedetta Dell'Anno, Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, Italy