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Twelfth meeting of the UNECE Steering Committee on Education for Sustainable Development

Twelfth meeting of the UNECE Steering Committee on Education for Sustainable Development

20 - 21 April 2017
Geneva Switzerland

Salle IX , Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

The Committee is expected to address:

·    Election of officers
·    Outcomes of the Batumi High-level Meeting of Education and Environment Ministries and future work
·    Progress in implementing the Strategy
·    Outcomes of capacity-building activities
·    Recent activities to promote education for sustainable development in other international forums
·    Draft workplan for 2017–2019
·    Status of the trust fund and resource requirements
·    Strengthening synergies with other organizations and processes
·    Mainstreaming gender issues in ESD, and other current issues.


Documents and presentations

The meeting is a paperless event to the extend possible. Participants are encouraged to download the documents in electronic format. Documents for the meeting are made available on this website.


Pre-Session Documents ENG   FRE   RUS
Agenda Item 1: Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda     
Provisional agenda - ECE/CEP/AC.13/2017/1
pdf pdf pdf

Agenda Item 4 (a):  Implementation of the UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development (country reporting questionnaire)







Countries - presentations      
Belarus     ppt
Belgium-Flanders pdf    
Cyprus pdf    
Georgia pdf    
Germany ppt    
Germany (2) ppt    
Italy pdf    
Secretariat Analysis


Agenda Item 5: Recent activities to promote education for sustainable development in international forums      

Presentation by UNESCO

Agenda Item 6:  Draft workplan for the implementation period of 2017–2019 of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development
pdf pdf pdf

Agenda Item 7: Status of the trust fund and resource requirements
(Information paper)


Agenda Item 8: Strengthening synergies with other organizations and processes      
Cyprus pdf    

Hungary (Carpathian Convention)

Ukraine     pdf
CAREC pdf    

Agenda Item 9: Mainstreaming gender issues in education for sustainable development

Agenda Item 11: Other business
Workshop on Building capacity of EECCA countries in achieving 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its SDGs
Agenda pdf    
List of participants pdf    
Fundraising Project Proposal - Green Living Goes East pdf    
Post-Session Documents      
pdf pdf pdf
List of participants


Information for delegates

Delegates attending the meeting are requested to register by 15 February 2016 using the new electronic procedure. Registration is available through the following link:

Please open this link using the internet explorer or chrome. Please create an account and then you would have access.

Since Switzerland is part of the Schengen Zone, obtaining a visa might take up to 5 weeks. Participants needing a visa are therefore requested to submit their application as soon as possible and initiate visa procedures at least four weeks before the meeting.

Requests for financial support should be submitted to the UNECE secretariat (elizabeth.james(at) not later than Friday, 17 March 2017. No application will be accepted after this deadline.

Country Reports

Country Reports


Country                     English    French  Russian
Belarus     pdf
Belgium - Flanders pdf    
Bulgaria     pdf
Croatia pdf    
Cyprus pdf    
Finland pdf    
Germany pdf    
Hungary pdf    
Italy pdf    
Montenegro pdf    
Norway pdf    
Romania pdf    
Switzerland pdf    
Ukraine     pdf
Uzbekistan                                                                pdf