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Sub-regional workshop: Enhancing transboundary water cooperation in the North Africa region

Sub-regional workshop: Enhancing transboundary water cooperation in the North Africa region

20 - 21 December 2017
Tunis Tunisia

Recognizing the common threats of declining water resources, increased pollution and extreme weather events, as well as the pressure from a continually increasing demand on such resources, the workshop explored the benefits of strengthening transboundary water cooperation for boosting regional development by creating shared socio-economic and investment related, environmental, peace and security benefits. 

The workshop focused on topical discussions relevant to the specific context and needs of countries of the North Africa region (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia), such as:

  • Exploring the benefits of transboundary water cooperation;
  • Increasing resilience to extreme events;
  • Discussing the role of international water law to promote transboundary water management and the progress in the region towards accession to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes;
  • Discussing implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal 6 on water, specifically its target 6.5.2

The workshop was jointly organized by UNECE and GWP-Med, under the Patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries of Tunisia. The workshop was implemented as part of the regional project Making Water Cooperation Happen in the Mediterranean financially supported by SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency).



Documents ENG FRE
Information Notice PDF PDF
Agenda PDF PDF
List of participants PDF  
Report PDF  
Practical information PDF PDF
Brochure "The global opening of the 1992 UNECE Water Convention" Link
Publication "Policy Guidance Note on the Benefits of Transboundary Water Cooperation: Identification, Assessment and Communication" Link
Publication "Guide to implementing the Water Convention" Link
Publication "Water and Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins: Lessons Learned and Good Pratices Link


Presentations ENG FRE

Session 1. The benefits of transboundary water cooperation

Transboundary water cooperation in Egypt
Mostafa Ahmed Senosy, Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Egypt


Transboundary water resources in Tunisia
Alaeddine Jlassi, Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia


Introduction to the Policy Guidance Note on Identifying, Assessing and Communicating the Benefits of Transboundary Water Cooperation
Chantal Demilecamps, Secretariat of the Water Convention, UNECE


Identification, assessment and communication of the benefits of transboundary water cooperation: the case of the Okavango-Cubango River Basin
Eben Chonguica, Secretariat of the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission


Importance of communicating the benefits of transboundary water cooperation to several audience
Peter Easton, Revolve Water


A scientific approach to improve collaboration between the riparian countries
Khalil Ammar, International Center for Biosaline Agriculture


Session 2. Transboundary water management as a way to adapt to weather extremes

Water: a priority in the Climate Agenda - Water for Africa Initiative
Fatima Mouassi, Secretariat of State in charge of water to the Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water, Morocco


Main findings of the Arab Climate Change Assessment Report (RICCAR)
Mohamed Bargaoui, Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands


National water resources management strategies during extreme weather events in Egypt
Abdelrehim Yehya, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt


National water resources management strategies during extreme weather events in Morocco
Fatima Mouassi, Secretariat of State in charge of water to the Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water, Morocco


National water resources management strategies during extreme weather events in Tunisia
Alaeddine Jlassi, Minister of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia


Why and how to address climate variability at the transboundary level? Lessons learnt and good practices
Jos Timmerman, Wageningen Environmental Research


Lessons learnt from the Water Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) – Focus on the Northern Western Sahara Aquifer System
Sarra Touzi, GWP-Med


Transboundary water cooperation in response to floods: example of the Sava River Basin
Melita Zizanović, International Sava River Basin Commission


Floods prevention and control: a transboundary dimension - Experience from the WaterSum project
Jovanka Ignjatovic, Regional Environmental Center


Session 3. How the Water Convention supports transboundary water cooperation efforts

The role of international water law in supporting transboundary water cooperation: focus on the 1992 Water Convention
Diane Guerrier, Secretariat of the Water Convention, UNECE


Transboundary water cooperation into practice: example of the German experience
Heide Jekel, Federal Environment Ministry, Germany


Transboundary water cooperation into practice: example of the Sava
Melita Zizanovic, International Sava River Basin Commission


How can the Water Convention support countries in the North Africa region? Institutional framework and platform for exchanging experiences
Heide Jekel, Co-chair of the Water Convention Working Group on IWRM


Prioritization of needs for the future 2019-2021 programme of work of the Water Convention
Diane Guerrier, Secretariat of the Water Convention, UNECE


Recent development on the North Africa region - Progress of Tunisia in the process of acceding to the Water Convention
Hayet Ben Mansour, Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia


Session 4. Implementing IWRM at all levels: contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and to regional commitments

Introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals target 6.5: monitoring progress towards integrated water resources management and transboundary water cooperation
Chantal Demilecamps, UNECE


Development of the Union for the Mediterranean Water Agenda
Almotaz Abadi, Managing Director, Union for the Mediterranean


Arab Strategy for Water Security in the Arab Region to Meet the Challenges and Future Needs for Sustainable Development
Mohamed Bargaoui, ACSAD