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Learning from Each-Other: the UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development

Learning from Each-Other: the UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development


The UNECE Strategy for ESD is a policy tool that helps the countries of the region to introduce and promote ESD in national formal, non-formal and informal education in their respective countries. It aims at developing policy, regulatory and operational frameworks to support ESD, equipping educators with the necessary competences, ensuring that adequate tools and materials for ESD are accessible, promoting research on and development of ESD, and strengthening regional cooperation on ESD.


To facilitate and evaluate the Strategy’s implementation and raise awareness at the national level, as well as share experience within the region, the member States agreed to periodically assess the implementation process based on a unified reporting format and a clear set of indicators. This periodic assessment provides information about countries’ performance in implementing ESD and about the economic, environmental, and social impacts of ESD.


This publication brings together the relevant policy documents and a number of practical tools to guide Governments and other stakeholders through the process of assessing the success of ESD in a given national context. While developed in the context of the UNECE Strategy, the assessment tools also aim at strengthening synergies with other relevant processes, in particular those under the United Nations Decade on ESD. They therefore enable the region’s input to any global evaluation and can be used by countries in other regions to assess their own progress with ESD.