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Conference on Housing Finance – Market and Structures

14 November 2016
Berlin Germany

Address of the venue: Quadriga Forum Berlin, Werderscher Markt 13, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Languages: German and English

Countries in Europe are facing enormous challenges in providing adequate affordable housing to all. To help the countries address these problems, 56 member States in the UNECE Region developed the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing, which was endorsed by the UNECE countries in April 2016. The main purpose of this document on sustainable housing is to ensure the access to decent, affordable and healthy housing in the UNECE region. The Geneva UN Charter underlines the importance of housing finance. The conference will discuss the situation with the housing finance and policies supporting achieving affordable housing finance in Germany and other European countries.

The conference was organised by the German Association of Pfandbrief Banks and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Real Estate Market Advisory Group.  

Invitation and draft agenda