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Building urban resilience and responding to crises through SDGs localization: Regional Approaches

Side event to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

14 July 2023
United Nations Headquarters United States of America

Conference Room 11, United Nations Headquarters (in person)

18:30-20:00 (EDT)

Co-organized by the UN Regional Commissions and UN-Habitat

HLPF 2023 side event web photo

Building urban resilience is critical for cities as they confront future shocks and stresses from climate, pollution and biodiversity loss.  Strong cities and urban centres are essential to recovery efforts and to the achievement of climate targets, SDG implementation and urbanization which aligns with the visions in the New Urban Agenda.  This side event will highlight how regional efforts to localize SDGs and design coherent urban policies can help build resilience and position cities to lead recoveries from the global pandemic while contributing to national strategies to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement and the New Urban Agenda. 


For more information about the High-Level Political Forum and registration, please see


Flyer and Concept note and agenda

46439 _ Flyer - HLPF 2023 side event _ 380826 _ English _ 773 _ 387404 _ png
46439 _ Concept note and draft programme - HLPF 2023 side event _ 380825 _ English _ 773 _ 387407 _ pdf