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"Building the Cities We Want" - a UNECE Green Economy Seminar on sustainable urban development

27 November 2012
Geneva Switzerland

10:00 - 18:00
Room VIII, Palais des Nations, Geneva

What are current and future sustainability issues in European cities?
In two thematic panels, the fourth UNECE Green Economy seminar presents trends and challenges in European cities related to energy, transport and ageing populations. It will provide the platform for a shared discussion on how to respond to these environmental, social and economic issues in order to achieve sustainable urban development in the wider European region.

Each panel includes key note presentations of city case studies, followed by experts’ input and an overview of related UNECE’s activities. During a final session, conclusions and recommendations from the thematic panel discussions will be drawn with the aim to identify potential joint activities for intersectoral cooperation in UNECE on sustainable urban development.



Title   ENG FRE
Smart City Amsterdam
Mr. Ger Baron, City of Amsterdam
It's all about the data
Mr. Michael Keane, K2S Advisors
Driving trnasformation t energy efficient buildings: Policies and Actions
Ms. Jennifer Layke, Institute for Building Efficiency, Johnson Controls
Building the cities we want
Ms. Svetlana Ristic, Ministry of Construction and Urbanism, Republic of Serbia
Green and health-friendly urban mobility
Ms. Brinda Wachs, THE PEP, UNECE
Sustainable urbanization in Georgia: challenges and opportunities
Ms. Tamara Rukhadze, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Decelopment, Georgia
Governance of urban physical infrastructure in the face of global change challenges
Mr. Nikolai Bobylev, University of Birmingham, UK and St. Petersburg State university, Russia
Adapter les villes au vieillissement de la population: enjeux d’aménagement et de gouvernance
Mr. Pierre-Marie Chapon, Université Lyon 3, Icade
Building the cities we want
Ms. Viviane Brunne, Population Unit, UNECE
WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities
Ms. Lisa Warth, WHO
Conclusions from Panel discussions   PDF