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Working Documents (TRANS/SC.3/2004 and Informal Documents)

Informal document No. 1 - Declaration by the Forum "Inland Waterways of EuroAsia" (Ukraine)
English DOC (118 KB) PDF (136 KB)
Russian DOC (115 KB) PDF (179 KB)

Informal document No. 2 - Summary report on establishment of the Daugava - Dnieper waterway link (put on the website on request by the Working Party on Inland Water Transport, see TRANS/SC.3/163, para. 25) (Belarus)
English DOC (114 KB) without maps PDF (3,307 KB) with maps
Russian DOC (112 KB) without maps PDF (3,338 KB) with maps

Informal document No. 3 - Proposals concerning further amendments to CEVNI (Danube Commission)
Russian DOC (33 KB) PDF (182 KB)

Informal document No. 4 - Inland ECDIS Developments and Standardization (Russian Federation)
English DOC (78 KB) PDF (145 KB)
Russian DOC (88 KB) PDF (194 KB)

2004/20 - Study of the current situation and trends in inland water transport in member countries (European Commission)
English DOC (70 KB) PDF (108 KB)
French DOC (53 KB) PDF (67 KB)
Russian DOC (54 KB) PDF (72 KB)

2004/19 - Standards for Inland ECDIS (Russian Federation)
English DOC (131 KB) PDF (182 KB)
Russian DOC (80 KB) PDF (238 KB)

2004/18 - Updating the European Code for Inland Waterways (CEVNI) (Secretariat)
English DOC (119 KB) PDF (166 KB)
French DOC (62 KB) PDF (70 KB)
Russian DOC (62 KB) PDF (75 KB)

2004/17 - Draft Amendment to the European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance (AGN) (Secretariat)
English DOC (92 KB) PDF (111 KB)
French DOC (70 KB) PDF (112 KB)
Russian DOC (69 KB) PDF (79 KB)

2004/16 - Implementation of conventions and application of resolutions relating to inland navigation (Secretariat)
English DOC (330 KB) PDF (538 KB)
French DOC (209 KB) PDF (169 KB)
Russian DOC (227 KB) PDF (178 KB)

2004/15 - Circulation of information concerning the existing bilateral and multilateral agreements for international inland water transport (Secretariat)
English DOC (215 KB) PDF (687 KB)
French DOC (215 KB) PDF (116 KB)
Russian DOC (223 KB) PDF (125 KB)

2004/14 - Former Additional Protocols to the Budapest Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterway (CMNI) (Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Switzerland)
English DOC (194 KB) PDF (12 KB)
French DOC (53 KB) PDF (85 KB)
Russian DOC (40 KB) PDF (121 KB)

2004/13 - Updating the map of European inland waterways (Ukraine)
English DOC (203 KB) PDF (14 KB)
French DOC (109 KB) PDF (70 KB)
Russian DOC (49 KB) PDF (126 KB)

2004/12 - European recreational navigation network (Belarus, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Republic of Moldova, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kindgom)
English DOC (195 KB) PDF (14 KB)
French DOC (99 KB) PDF (91 KB)
Russian DOC (47 KB) PDF (145 KB)

2004/11 - Establishment of sea-river and coastal routes in the context of the AGN Agreement (Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Slovakia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Danube Commission)
English DOC (253 KB) PDF (51 KB)
French DOC (111 KB) PDF (120 KB)
Russian DOC (114 KB) PDF (375 KB)

2004/10 - Inter-basin water connections (Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Republic of Moldova, Poland, Russian Federation, Turkey, Slovakia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Danube Commission)
English DOC (212 KB) PDF (33 KB)
French DOC (77 KB) PDF (107 KB)
Russian DOC (75 KB) PDF (168 KB)

2004/9 - Transport and Security (Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Danube Commission)
English DOC (197 KB) PDF (17 KB)
French DOC (59 KB) PDF (103 KB)
Russian DOC (63 KB) PDF (176 KB)

2004/8 - Uniform system of traffic guidance on European inland waterways (Secretariat)
English DOC (111 KB) PDF (157 KB)
French DOC (84 KB) PDF (130 KB)
Russian DOC (107 KB) PDF (157 KB)

2004/7 - Establishment of Common Principles and Technical Requirements for a Pan-European River Information Service (RIS) (Secretariat)
English DOC (79 KB) PDF (105KB)
French DOC (96 KB) PDF (84 KB)
Russian DOC (52 KB) PDF (86 KB)

2004/6 - Updating the European Code for Inland Waterways (CEVNI) (Secretariat)
English DOC (343 KB) PDF (206 KB)
French DOC (242 KB) PDF (216 KB)
Russian DOC (260 KB) PDF (237 KB)

2004/5 - Consideration of Measures Aimed at Prevention of Air Pollution from Inland Navigation Vessels (Secretariat)
English DOC (137 KB) PDF (197 KB)
French DOC (127 KB) PDF (174 KB)
Russian DOC (93 KB) PDF (259 KB)

2004/4 - Safety Signs and Signals on Board Vessels (Secretariat)
English DOC (216 KB) PDF (151 KB)
French DOC (245 KB) PDF (102 KB)
Russian DOC (207 KB) PDF (61 KB)

2004/3 - Minimum Manning Requirements and Working and Rest Hours of Crews of Vessels in Inland Navigation (Secretariat)
English DOC (163 KB) PDF (350 KB)
French DOC (128 KB) PDF (211 KB)
Russian DOC (204 KB) PDF (177 KB)

2004/2 - Questionnaire on Inter-Basin Waterway Links (Secretariat)
English DOC (62 KB) PDF (98 KB)
French DOC (53 KB) PDF (76 KB)
Russian DOC (42 KB) PDF (120 KB)

2004/1/Add.4 - Amendment of the Recommendations on Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation Vessels (Annex to Resolution No. 17, revised) (Secretariat)
English DOC (222 KB) PDF (203 KB)
French DOC (192 KB) PDF (215 KB)
Russian DOC (121 KB) PDF (238 KB)

2004/1/Add.3 - Amendment of the Recommendations on Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation Vessels (Annex to Resolution No. 17, revised) (Secretariat)
English DOC (584 KB) PDF (327 KB)
French DOC (1,008 KB) PDF (415 KB)
Russian DOC (743 KB) PDF (538 KB)

2004/1/Add.2 - Amendment of the Recommendations on Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation Vessels (Annex to Resolution No. 17, revised) (Secretariat)
English DOC (444 KB) PDF (1,858 KB)
French DOC (359 KB) PDF (378 KB)
Russian DOC (591 KB) PDF (377 KB)

2004/1/Corr.2 - Amended Chapters 16 (Automation), 17 (Crew Accommodation) and Z (Working Spaces) (Secretariat)
English DOC (156 KB) PDF (90 KB)
French DOC (387 KB) PDF (82 KB)
Russian DOC (53 KB) PDF (72 KB)

2004/1/Add.1/Corr.1 - Amended Chapters 16 (Automation), 17 (Crew Accommodation) and Z (Working Spaces) (Secretariat)
English DOC (122 KB) PDF (20 KB)
French DOC (47 KB) PDF (58 KB)
Russian DOC (43 KB) PDF (56 KB)

2004/1/Add.1 - Amended Chapters 16 (Automation), 17 (Crew Accommodation) and Z (Working Spaces) (Secretariat)
English DOC (181 KB) PDF (191 KB)
French DOC (132 KB) PDF (119 KB)
Russian DOC (126 KB) PDF (129 KB)

2004/1/Corr.1 - Corrigendum to Amended Chapters 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10B of the annex to resolution No. 17, revised (Secretariat)
English DOC (167 KB) PDF (191 KB)
French DOC (358 KB) PDF (148 KB)
Russian DOC (97 KB) PDF (109 KB)

2004/1 - Amended Chapters 2-7, 9, 10A, 10B, 11, 11bis and 12-14 of the annex to resolution No. 17, revised (Secretariat)
English DOC (526 KB) PDF (522 KB)
French DOC (487 KB) PDF (517 KB)
Russian DOC (600 KB) PDF (792 KB)