- 48th session
Working Documents
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/1 - (Secretariat) Inland navigation security workshop English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/2 - (Secretariat) Follow-up of the White Paper: a new strategy proposal English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/3 - (Secretariat) Revision of the Blue Book English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/4 - (Secretariat) Proposal for the revision of Resolution No.59, Guidelines for Waterway Signs and Marking English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/5 - (Secretariat) Further amendments to the European Code for Inland Waterways English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/5/Rev.1 - (Secretariat) Amendments proposals to the European Code for Inland Waterways English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/6/Rev.1/Corr.1 - (Secretariat) River Information Services: Further amendments to UNECE Resolution No. 80 English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/6/Rev.1 - (Secretariat) River Information Services: Further amendments to UNECE Resolution No. 80 English PDF French PDF Russian PDF Appendix ZIP ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/7 - International Convention on the Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels: Possible modification of the International Conventionon Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/8/Rev.1 - (Secretariat) Amendments to Resolution No. 40 and proposal for a database of models of International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/8/Corr.1 - (Secretariat) Amendments to Resolution No. 40 and proposal for a database of models of International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft English PDF French PDF Russian PDF Informal Documents
Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 1 (2016) - (Secretariat) List of working and informal documents English PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 2 (2016) - (Maritime Academy of Harlingen) Workshop on inland water transport security: Safety and Security in European Inland Navigation English PDF Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 3 (2016) - (Secretariat) Inland waterways infrastructure: Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the E Waterway Network (“Blue Book”): Consolidated text of the Blue Book English PDF French PDF Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 4 (2016) - (Slovakia) Inland waterways infrastructure:Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the E Waterway Network (“Blue Book”): Amendments to the Blue Book English PDF Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 5 (2016) - (Serbia) CEVNI: Poster on Inland Waterway Signs and Signals English/Serbian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 6 (2016) - (Russian Federation) Amendments to the International Standard for Notices to Skippers in Inland Navigation (Resolution No. 80) English PDF Russian PDF Appendix XLS Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 7 (2016) - (Luxembourg and Switzerland) Harmonization of the pan-European legal framework for inland navigation: The International Convention on Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels French PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 8 (2016) - (Belarus and Sava Commission) Harmonization of the pan-European legal framework for inland navigation: The International Convention on Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels Russian/English PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 9 (2016) - (Central Commission for the Navigation on the Rhine, the Government of Germany, European Boating Association) Feedback for the discussion paper on a new strategy of the Working Party on Inland Water Transport and the review of its Terms of Reference English PDF Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 10 (2016) - (Danube Commission) Responses of Contracting Parties and River Commissions on the questionnaire regarding the International Convention on the Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels English PDF Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 11 (2016) - (Secretariat) River Information Services: Further amendments to UNECE Resolution No. 80 English PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 12 (2016) - (Russian Federation) Safety management system of inland navigation vessels in the Russian Federation Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 13 (2016) - (Secretariat) Safety and security in european inland navigation(Geneva, 17 February 2016): Programme of the workshop English PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 14 (2016) - (Russian Federation) Amendments to Resolution No. 61, revised: Proposal fora new section 8B-4, “Requirements concerning equipment for the treatment of domestic waste water” English PDF Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 15 (2016) - (Chair of the Notices to Experts Expert Group) Explanatory note to the proposed amendments to UNECE Resolution No. 80 English PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 16 (2016) - (Russian Federation) Proposals on the application of AIS Aid to Navigationin inland waterways English PDF Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 17 (2016) - (Secretariat) Proposal for SC.3 activities addressing the Sustainable Development Goals English PDF Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 18 (2016) - (The Netherlands) Responses of Contracting Parties and River Commissions on the questionnaire regarding the International Convention on the Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels English PDF Security Workshop
Safety and security in european inland navigation (Geneva, 17 February 2016)
PDF (Secretariat) Programme of the workshop
- 49th session
Working Documents
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/8/Rev.1 (Secretariat) Recreational navigation: Amendments to Resolution No. 40 and proposal for a database of models of International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/9 (Secretariat) Workshop "River Information Services and other information communication technologies in the pan-European and global format" English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/10 (Secretariat) Revision proposal for the strategy of the Working Partyon Inland Water Transport and its Terms of Reference English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/11 (Secretariat) Possible modification of the International Convention on Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/12 (Secretariat) Third revision of the Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the E Waterway Network (Blue Book) English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/12/Corr.1 (Secretariat) Corrigendum to the third revision of the Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the E Waterway Network (Blue Book) English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/13 (Secretariat) Development of the international waterway E 40 on the Dnieper - Vistula section English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/14 (Secretariat) Proposals concerning the modification of the European Code for Inland Waterways English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/15 (Secretariat) Draft amendments to the Guidelines for Waterway Signs and Marking (Resolution No. 59, revised) English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/16 (Secretariat) Recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation: a proposal for a new Directive of the European Union English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/17 (Chair of the Vessel Tracking and Tracing Expert Group) Amendments to the International Standard for Tracking and Tracing on Inland Waterways English PDF French PDF Russian PDF ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2016/18 (Eurasian Economic Commission) Pleasure navigation: Creation of a single services market English PDF French PDF Russian PDF Informal Documents
Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 19 (2016) - (Secretariat) List of working and informal documents English PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 20 (2016) - (Secretariat) UNECE activities regarding the environmental challenges relevant to inland water transport and its resilience to climate change impact English PDF Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 21 (2016) - (CCNR) Unification des prescriptions techniques et de sécurité en navigation intérieure: Code européen des voies de navigationintérieure (CEVNI) (Résolution n° 24 révisée): Amendements au Règlement de police pour la navigation du Rhin (RPNR) relatifs aux bâtiments utilisant le gaz naturel liquéfié, aux prescriptions relatives à la vue dégagée et à l'ajout d'une liste de contrôle pour l'avitaillement en gaz naturel liquéfié French PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 22 (2016) - (Austria, France, Montenegro, the European Commission and IVR) Harmonization of the pan-European legal framework for inland navigation: the International Convention on Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels: Responses on the questionnaire regarding the International Convention on the Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels English/French PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 23 (2016) - (Suisse) Navigation de plaisance : Certificat international de conducteur de bateau de plaisance (Résolution n° 40): Proposition d’amendement à la Résolution n° 40 French PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 24 (2016) - (Belarus, Belgium, Germany and Lithuania) Third revision of the Inventory of Main Standardsand Parameters of the E Waterway Network(“Blue Book”) English PDF Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 25 (2016) - Depositary notification on the adoption of amendments to Annexes I and II to the Protocol on Combined Transport on Inland Waterwaysto the European Protocol on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related Installations (AGTC) English PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 26 (2016) - (CCNR) The implementation of RIS by the CCNR (As at 20 May 2016) English PDF French PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 27 (2016) - (Belarus and Ukraine) Draft amendments to the Guidelines for Waterway Signs and Marking (Resolution No. 59, revised) English PDF Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 28 (2016) - (Belarus) Application of UNECE Resolution No. 40 “International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft” English PDF Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 29 (2016) - (PLOVPUT) Poster on Inland Waterway Signs and Signals English/French/Russian PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 30 (2016) - (Secretariat) Second draft of the Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the E Waterway Network (“Blue Book”), third revision English PDF Informal document SC.3/WP.3 No. 31 (2016) - (EBA) Follow-up to the UNECE White Paper on Efficient and Sustainable Inland Water Transport in Europe: A new strategy proposal: EBA Statement English PDF RIS and ICT Workshop
Programme of the Workshop PDF