March 2016/INF.61 Report of the Working Group on Tanks |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.60 (France) Comments on document ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2016/16 and INF 52 |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.59 (Austria) New proposals for document 2016/18 (Marking and ventilation in accordance with of RID/ADR/ADN 2017) reflecting the discussion in the Joint Meeting |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.58 Information on work in progress in CEN (revised – 15th March) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.57/Rev.1 Report of the Standards Working Group (24th meeting) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.56 (United States) Comments on 2016/8 (EIGA) - Carriage of pressure receptacles approved by the Department of Transportation of the United States of America (DOT) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.55 (Switzerland) Special provision 363 and packing instruction P005 |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.54/Rev.2 (CEFIC) Updating of references to European Union instruments (toxic substances; corrosive substances; substances hazardous to the aquatic environment) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.54/Rev.1 (CEFIC) Updating of references to European Union instruments (toxic substances; corrosive substances; substances hazardous to the aquatic environment) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.54 (CEFIC) Updating of references to European Union instruments (toxic substances; corrosive substances; substances hazardous to the aquatic environment) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.53 (European Commission) Comments on ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2016/2 -Updating of references to European Union instruments (toxic substances; corrosive substances; substances hazardous to the aquatic environment) - CEFIC |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.52/Rev.1 (France) Comments on document ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2016/16 and INF 52 |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.52 (France) Comments on document ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2016/16 |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.51 (France) Complements to INF 4 Add 1 and further developments in telematic application for the carriage of dangerous goods |
English | DOC PDF | ANNEXE |
March 2016/INF.50 (UIP) Comments and position of UIP regarding document ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2016/3 - OTIF/RID/RC/2016/3 (EASA) |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.49 (France) Amendement de conséquence à la proposition ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2016/17 de la Suisse |
French | DOC | PDF |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.48 (United Kingdom) Tanks: UK experience with improperly manufactured and wrongly certificated road tank vehicles |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.47 (Austria) New edition of standards |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.46 (Germany) Tanks: RID/ADR 2017 - Application of the equipment standards EN 14432 and EN 14433 for metallic tanks with a working pressure not exceeding 0.5 bar |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.45 (France) Modification de la version française de l’expression « vapour space » |
French | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.44 (Secretariat) Editorial amendments |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.43 (ERA) Report on the 5th and 6th Workshops of the roadmap on risk management in the context of rail, road and inland waterways transport of Dangerous Goods and invitation to the 7th workshop |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.42 (Austria) Inspection of wagon/vehicle/vessel and loads by carrier |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.41 (Secretariat) Reissued Distinguishing sign for motor vehicles Editorial corrections |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.40 (Spain) Comments on ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2016/3 proposal 4: Dangerous goods safety adviser’s annual report |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.39 (AEGPL) Response of AEGPL to INF 13, Pressure setting of safety valves, nominal pressure for rupture discs and general requirements for safety valves on tanks |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.38 (AEGPL) Response of AEGPL to INF 12, Miscellaneous topics on tanks |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.37 (United Kingdom) Special provision 636 – The carriage of waste electrical equipment containing lithium batteries for recycling or disposal |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.36 (OTIF) Special provision 640 |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.35 (Switzerland) Special provision 636 – Carriage of lithium batteries together with other batteries – Comments on document INF.26 |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.34 (Russian Federation) - Documentation - Additional provisions for Class 2 |
English | DOC | PDF |
Russian | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.33 (Germany) Use of an electronic transport document |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.32 (AEGPL) Risks from Euro VI Exhaust Systems in ATEX zoned Areas |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.31 (Italy) Renewal of safety advisers' certificates |
English | | PDF |
French | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.30 (CEN) Information on work in progress in CEN (revised) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.29 (AEGPL) Alternative methods for periodic inspection of refillable pressure receptacles |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.28 (France) Modification du document ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2016/14 concernant le remplissage des panneaux orange requis par le 5.3.2 dans le cas des transports de matières radioactives |
French | DOC | PDF |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.27 (United Kingdom) Comments on 2016/7 (EIGA: Amendment to concerning pressure receptacles) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.26 (Germany) Special provision 636 - Carriage of lithium batteries together with other batteries |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.25 (United Kingdom) Creation of an informal working group to deal with textual changes to the regulations |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.24 (Secretariat) Outcome of the Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods on its forty-eighth session |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.23 (Italy) Xb bodies and IS bodies |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.22 (Portugal) Clarification to Dangerous Goods List (Table A) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.21 (UIC/CEFIC) Carriage of tanks, battery wagons/battery-vehicles and MEGC following the expiry of deadlines for periodic and intermediate inspections |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
French | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.20 (Italy) Packaging "4N" - Consequential amendments |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.19 (OTIF) CTU Code |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.18 (EIGA) Service equipment on tanks |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.17 (United Kingdom) Tanks: Informal Working Group on the inspection and certification of tanks |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.16 (Russian Federation) Proposal for the amendment of special provisions TU21 and TU16 of Chapter 4.3 of RID/ADR/ADN/Annex 2 to SMGS |
English | DOC | PDF |
Russian | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.15 (OTIF) Alignment of the various language versions |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.14 (FEAD) FEAD position on the use of IBCs (intermediate bulk containers) as salvage packagings under the ADR Agreement |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.13 (Netherlands) Pressure setting of safety valves, nominal pressure for rupture discs and general requirements for safety valves on tanks |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.12 (Netherlands) Miscellaneous topics on tanks - Reissued |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.11 (Germany) Reduced dimensions of labels |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.10 (CEN)Request for advice from the Working Group on Tanks |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.9 (Sweden) Exemptions related to the nature of the transport operation |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.8 (Germany) Invitation to the 2nd meeting of the informal working group on the transport of waste electrical and electronic equipment on 27 and 28 April 2016 |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.7 (Germany) Amendments applicable as from 1 January 2017: Polymerizing substances |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.6 (Germany) Competent authority in accordance with packing instruction P910 |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.5 (OTIF) Conclusions de la 5e session du groupe de travail permanent de la Commission d’experts du RID (Zagreb, 23-27 novembre 2015) |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
French | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.4/Add.9 Report of the informal working group on telematics (Bordeaux, 6 – 8 October 2015) Presentations used during the Working group – GEOTRANSMD |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.4/Add.8 Report of the informal working group on telematics (Bordeaux, 6 – 8 October 2015) Presentations used during the Working group – TAF TSI Interface -Analyis (ERA) |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.4/Add.7 Report of the informal working group on telematics (Bordeaux, 6 – 8 October 2015) Presentations made during the workshop – GEOTRANS MD pilot project |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.4/Add.6 Report of the informal working group on telematics (Bordeaux, 6 – 8 October 2015) Presentations made during the workshop – CORE intermodal transport of dangerous goods demonstrator |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.4/Add.5 Report of the informal working group on telematics (Bordeaux, 6 – 8 October 2015) Presentations made during the workshop – European GNSS role in logistics and management of dangerous goods |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.4/Add.4 Report of the informal working group on telematics (Bordeaux, 6 – 8 October 2015) Presentations made during the workshop – Activities EC – ITS Directive – eCall - C-ITS deployment in Europe |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.4/Add.3 Report of the informal working group on telematics (Bordeaux, 6 – 8 October 2015) Presentations made during the workshop – ITS activities at UNECE and ITC |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.4/Add.2 Report of the informal working group on telematics (Bordeaux, 6 – 8 October 2015) Presentations made during the workshop – Introduction presentation |
English | | PDF |
March 2016/INF.4/Add.1 RID ADR JOINT MEETING Telematics Working Group - Draft Impact Assessment Implementation of ITS architecture for the transport of dangerous goods |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.4 (France) Annexes to the Report of the Informal working group on telematics (Bordeaux, 6 – 8 October 2015) (Document ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2016/9) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2016/INF.3 (OTIF) Access to the Universal Postal Union building (UPU) |
English | DOC | PDF |
| | |
March 2016/INF.2 (OTIF) List of documents per agenda items |
English | | PDF |
| | |