UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.22 - (Secretariat)Work of the Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangeorus Goods |
| English | DOC (63KB) | PDF (26KB) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.21 - (DG Environment and DG Enterpriseof the European Commission) Implementation information |
| English | DOC (34KB) | PDF (33KB) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.20 - (France) Results of the BBA correspondance group |
| English | DOC (32KB) | PDF (14KB) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.19 - (Brazil) Implementation update |
| English | ---- | PDF (920KB) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.18 - (Secretariat) Revision of ISO 1014-1:1994 on Safety Data Sheets |
| English | DOC (149KB) | PDF (89KB) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.17 - (France) Technical points about some main environmental issues of the GHS |
| English | DOC (54KB) | PDF (14KB) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.16 - (FAO) FAO's past and present activities |
| English | DOC (38KB) | PDF (31KB) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.15 - (Canada) Comments on ST/GS/AC.10/C.4/2006/8 and -/2006/8/Add.1 |
| English | DOC (47KB) | PDF (12KB) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.14 - (New Zealand) Implementation update |
| English | DOC (163KB) | PDF (125KB) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.13 - (Spain) Progress report on the work of the expert group for the development of the classificaiton and labelling criteria for the terrestrial enviromental hazards |
| English | DOC (21KB) | PDF (10KB) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.12 - (Chair of the ad hoc Correspondence Group on the Building Block Approach)Guidance on the GHS building block approach |
| English | DOC(93Kb) | PDF (59Kb) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.11 - (UNITAR) Activities of the UNITAR/ILO Global GHS Capacity Building Programme and UNITAR/ILO/OECD WSSD GHS Partnership |
| English | DOC(56Kb) | PDF (22Kb) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.10 - (UNITAR/OECD) Implementation of the GHS |
| English | DOC(101Kb) | PDF (40Kb) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.9 -(Germany) Proposal of amendments to the procedure ofr classification of ammonium nitrate emulstions, suspensions or gels (Fig. 2.1.4 in chapter 2.1 of the GHS |
| English | DOC(50Kb) | PDF (17Kb) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.8 - (Canada) Implementation update |
| English | DOC(347Kb) | PDF (161Kb) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.7 - (CEFIC) Codification of precautionary statements |
| English | DOC(31Kb) | PDF (14Kb) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.6 - (Secretariat of the Basel Convention) Cooperation between the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention and the United Nations Sub-Committee of Experts on the GHS |
| English | DOC(38Kb) | PDF (20Kb) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.5 - (Secretariat) GHS Workshop in Ecuador |
| English | DOC(28Kb) | PDF (13Kb) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.4 - (OECD) Draft summary record on the 15th Meeting of the Task Force on Harmonization of Classification and Labelling (Rome, 15-16 March 2006) |
| English | DOC(77Kb) | PDF (36Kb) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.3 - Important - Please read - (Secretariat) Registration of delegates |
| English | DOC(100Kb) | PDF (44Kb) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.2 - (Secretariat) Implementation through Transport of Dangerous Goods Regulations |
| English | DOC(52Kb) | PDF (75Kb) |
UN/SCEGHS/11/INF.1 - (Secretariat)List of documents under agenda item |
| English | DOC(66Kb) | PDF (16Kb) |