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70th session

Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15)

WP.15 Informal documents, 70th session (7 - 11 May 2001)

TRANS/WP.15/70/INF.14 - (Secrétariat) Rectificatif à la version française de la notification C.N.1078.2000.TREATIES-3 du 1er Janvier 2001
French DOC PDF
TRANS/WP.15/70/INF.13 - (Secretariat) Corrigendum to the English version of the Notification C.N.1078.2000.TREATIES-3 of 1 January 2001
English DOC PDF
TRANS/WP.15/70/INF.12 - (Secretariat) European agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road (ADR)
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
TRANS/WP.15/70/INF.11 - (Belgium) Certificate of approval f or vehicles (
English DOC PDF
TRANS/WP.15/70/INF.10 - (IOCA) Certificate of approval f or vehicles carrying certain dangerous goods
English DOC PDF
TRANS/WP.15/70/INF.9 - (CLEPA) 70th Session - Agenda item 3 b
English DOC PDF
TRANS/WP.15/70/INF.8 - (Secretariat) ADR Part 5 Chapter 5.3 and 5.4
English DOC PDF
TRANS/WP.15/70/INF.6 - (Netherlands) Transport of fireworks
English DOC PDF
TRANS/WP.15/70/INF.4 - (Italy) 9.1 - Scope, definitions and classifications and requirements for the approval of the ADR vehicles / 9.2 - Requirements concerning the construction of vehicles
English DOC PDF
TRANS/WP.15/70/INF.3 - (Germany) Fire-fighting appliances
English DOC PDF
TRANS/WP.15/70/INF.2 - Acceptances of the amendments proposed by Portugal to Annexes A and B
English DOC PDF
TRANS/WP.15/70/INF.1 - (Secretariat) List of documents under agenda item
English DOC PDF