March 2018/INF.47 Report of the Working Group on Tanks |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.46 (COSTHA) Display Packs of Limited Quantities |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.45 Report of the Standards Working Group (28th meeting) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.44 (EIGA) Specifying the requirements for the protection of valves in |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.43 (UIC) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.42 (France) Comments on document INF.26 Improvement of reporting systems |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.41 (United Kingdom) Tanks: The use of ultrasound for non-destructive tests of austenitic-ferritic stainless steels |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.40 (France) Correction in the Table in |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.39 (France) Use of used packagings for the carriage of dangerous goods waste |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.38 (AEGPL) Filling of LPG cylinders by private individuals or enterprises for their own supply |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.37 (Germany) New provisions governing the lithium battery test summary |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2018/INF.36 (Germany) Cross-sectional shapes of shells in accordance with RID/ADR |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2018/INF.35 (Secretariat) English translation of informal document INF.33 |
English | | PDF |
March 2018/INF.34 (Secretariat) Report of the Working Group (Bonn, 20.-21 November 2017) |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.33 (Ukraine) Proposal of amendment to |
Russian | | PDF |
March 2018/INF.32/Rev.1 (France) Rupture pressure of bursting discs in |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.31 (Secretariat) Corrections adopted by the Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.30 (Secretariat) ECE Regulations in RID/ADR/ADN |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.29/Rev.1 (CEN) Information on work in progress in CEN |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.28 (AEGPL) Incidents with 2-piece EN 12245 Composite LPG Cylinders and Corrective Actions |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.27 (ERA) 2nd Phase activities of the TDG Roadmap and Invitation for the nomination of EUDG members |
English | | DOC |
March 2018/INF.26 (ERA) Contributions for reflecting on an improved reporting system of Inland TDG occurrences |
English | | PDF |
March 2018/INF.25 (ECMA/EIGA) Proposal for an adjustment in Chapter 6.2 of RID/ADR/ADN |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.24 (UIC) Comments by UIC on informal document INF.19 |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2018/INF.23 (Spain) Report of the Informal Working Group on the reduction of the risk of a BLEVE during transport of dangerous goods (Reissued for technical reasons) |
English | | PDF |
March 2018/INF.22 (Italy) Alignment of the various language versions |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.21 (Switzerland) Amendment to additional provision CV36/CW36 of 7.5.11 |
English | DOC | PDF |
French | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.20 (Secretariats) 2019 Amendments to RID/ADR/ADN |
English | | PDF |
March 2018/INF.19 (OTIF) Information from the Secretariat of OTIF |
English | | PDF |
French | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2018/INF.18 (Germany) Amendment to the definition of "flash-point" in RID/ADR 1.2.1 |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2018/INF.17 (UIC) Implementation of consignor's duties as per RID d) (indication of holding time) |
English | DOC | PDF |
French | DOC | PDF |
German | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.16 (UIC) Discrepancies and additions to danger labels and placards |
English | DOC | PDF |
French | DOC | PDF |
German | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.15 (Spain) Hazard identification number 836 |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.14 (CEFIC) Application of special provision CW24/CV24 |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.13 (Romania/UIC) Report of the Informal Working Group on the drafting of definitions for the terms “RISK” and “HAZARD/DANGER” in the context of the RID/ADR/ADN |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.12 (Russian Federation) Proposal for an adjustment in Chapter 6.2 of RID/ADR/ADN |
English | DOC | PDF |
Russian | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.11 (United Kingdom) Report of the 7th informal working group on the inspection and certification of tanks |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.10 (Netherlands) Interpretation of the purpose and visibility of the markings required by and |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.9 (France) Correction of the English version of the proposal in document ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2018/12 |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.8 (Germany) Error in the table in RID/ADR |
English | | PDF |
German | | PDF |
March 2018/INF.7 (Sweden) Corrections to document ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2018/14: Marking of wagons and containers loaded with limited quantities |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.6 (France) Alteration according to and modification according to |
English | DOC | PDF |
March 2018/INF.5 (FEA) Increase of the maximum allowed internal pressure for aerosol dispensers |
English | DOC | PDF |
| | |
March 2018/INF.4 (France) Couleur de la marque pour les matières transportées à chaud selon le 5.3.3 – Amendement à la version française du RID/ADR/ADN |
French | DOC | PDF |
| | |
March 2018/INF.3 (Poland) Application of special provision CW24/CV24 – ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2018/5 |
English | DOC | PDF |
| | |