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85th session

Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15)

WP.15 Informal documents, 85th session (28 - 31 October 2008)

Informal document No.21 - (Secretariat) Questionnaire
English DOC (74 Kb) PDF (41 Kb)
Informal document No.20 - (Secretariat) Acceptance of the amendments proposed by Portugal to Annexes A and B of ADR, as amended: Depositary notification C.N.749.2008.TREATIES-1 was issued for circulation on 13 October 2008
English/French ---- PDF (21 Kb)
Informal document No.19 - (Secretariat) Acceptance of the 1993 Protocol amending article 1(A), article 14(1) and article 14(3)(B) of the ADR, GERMANY (C.N.761.2008.TREATIES-1)
English/French ---- PDF (20 Kb)
Informal document No.18 - (Secretariat) Accession of TUNISIA to the ADR (C.N.645.2008.TREATIES-2)
English/French ---- PDF (21 Kb)
Informal document No.17 - (Secretariat) Availability of standard EN 3-7:2004 + A1:2007
English DOC (25 Kb) PDF (5 Kb)
Informal document No.16 -(Secretariat) Draft corrigendum to ECE/TRANS/WP.15/195 and to ECE/TRANS/WP.15/195/Add.1
English DOC (37 Kb) PDF (7 Kb)
French DOC (39 Kb) PDF (10 Kb)
Informal document No.15 - (Spain) Chapter 6.2 – Difference between linguistic versions
English DOC (44 Kb) PDF (9 Kb)
Informal document No.14 - (European Commission) Chapter 1.10 High Consequence Dangerous Goods
English DOC (42 Kb) PDF (9 Kb)
Informal document No.13 - (Sweden) - Comments in response to INF.4 (ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2008/10/Rev.1) from Portugal and IRU and in response to INF 6 from the United Kingdom
English DOC (39 Kb) PDF (13 Kb)
Informal document No.12 - (Secretariat) Réunion commune RID/ADR/ADN, session de septembre 2008
French DOC (48 Kb) PDF (22 Kb)
Russian DOC (56 Kb) PDF (90 Kb)
For English version, see ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/112
Informal document No.11 - (Secretariat) Provisional timetable - Revision
English DOC (48 Kb) PDF (7 Kb)
Informal document No.10 - (United Kingdom) Section5.4.3.2: Translations of instructions in writing
English DOC (47 Kb) PDF (10 Kb)
Informal document No.9 - (Sweden) Instructions in writing and the marking for environmentally hazardous substances
English DOC (36 Kb) PDF (12 Kb)
Informal document No.8 - (Sweden) Relation between the transitional period for implementation of section 1.9.5 and the new requirement in (k) to add the tunnel restriction code in the transport document
English DOC (29 Kb) PDF (8 Kb)
Informal document No.7 - (CEFIC) Clarification of quantity limitation as given in
English DOC (29 Kb) PDF (7 Kb)
Informal document No.6 - (United Kingdom) Sub-section8.2.2.8: Certificate of driver's training - UK Comments in response to INF.4 (ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2008/10/Rev.1)
English DOC (45 Kb) PDF (11 Kb)
Informal document No.5 - (Secretariat) Comments on ECE/TRANS/WP.15/198/Add.1 (English and Russian versions)
English/Russian DOC (32 Kb) PDF (30 Kb)
Informal document No.4 - (Portugal and IRU) Sub-section8.2.2.8: Certificate of driver's training - (ECE/TRANS/WP.15/2008/10-Rev.1)
English DOC (76 Kb) PDF (38 Kb)
French DOC (76 Kb) PDF (40 Kb)
Russian DOC (89 Kb) PDF (208 Kb)
Informal document No.3 - (Netherlands)Informing WP.15 on a report concerning tank-vehicle fires
English DOC (40 Kb) PDF (28 Kb)
Informal document No.2 - List of documents under agenda item and annotations
English DOC (59 Kb) PDF (13 Kb)