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Strategic Roundtable on Increasing Resilience to Climate Change in the Water and Sanitation Sector under the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health

13 November (10:00) - 14 November (13:00) 2023
Palais des Nations, room VII (bldg. A), Geneva Switzerland

The Strategic Roundtable on Increasing Resilience to Climate Change in the Water and Sanitation Sector under the Protocol on Water and Health was aimed at identifying strategic directions and priorities for countries of the pan-European region in the areas of climate, water and sanitation. Participants also discussed examples of actions taken in such areas and the role of the Protocol in driving forward priorities and actions, including by ensuring that these translate into clear targets and that tools are available to support country-level action.


49520 _ Agenda _ 384999 _ English _ 773 _ 398085 _ pdf
49520 _ Agenda _ 384999 _ Russian _ 864 _ 398086 _ pdf
49520 _ Concept Note _ 382619 _ English _ 773 _ 391803 _ pdf
49520 _ Concept Note _ 382619 _ Russian _ 864 _ 391802 _ pdf
