Seventeenth meeting of the Implementation Committee of the Water Convention
07 - 08 March 2024
Campione d’Italia Italy
55866 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2024/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventeenth meeting _ 387080 _ English _ 773 _ 403226 _ pdf
55866 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2024/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventeenth meeting _ 387080 _ French _ 780 _ 403227 _ pdf
55866 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2024/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventeenth meeting _ 387080 _ Russian _ 864 _ 403228 _ pdf
55866 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2024/2 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its seventeenth meeting _ 392268 _ English _ 773 _ 417514 _ pdf
55866 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2024/2 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its seventeenth meeting _ 392268 _ French _ 780 _ 417515 _ pdf
55866 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2024/2 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its seventeenth meeting _ 392268 _ Russian _ 864 _ 417516 _ pdf
55866 _ List of participants _ 392328 _ English _ 773 _ 415720 _ pdf