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National Consultative Workshop on Early Warnings for All in Tajikistan

29 August (6:00) - 30 August (12:00) 2023
Online and in Dushanbe Tajikistan

Early Warning Systems are a proven, effective and feasible disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation measure which save live and provide a tenfold return on investment. Yet, major gaps in early warning systems remain globally, especially when it comes to translating early warnings into risk-informed early action. The Early Warnings for All Initiative, formally launched by the UN Secretary-General in November 2022 at the COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, calls for a global effort to ensure that such systems protect everyone on Earth by 2027. Tajikistan was selected as one of the at-risk countries which will receive coordinated and targeted support. To gain political momentum and boost collectively the achievement of the EW4All Action Plan by 2027, this national consultation workshop was held, led by the Government of Tajikistan and co-organized with the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office, UNDRR, WMO, ITU and IFRC.

UNECE supported the workshop by delivering a presentation on UNECE’s Industrial Accident Notification (IAN) System and Work on Industrial/Tailings Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response in Tajikistan (and beyond) in the session on Overview on Early Warning System Initiatives in

Tajikistan and beyond. Further information about the workshop can be found here:

Presentation by Ms. Claudia Kamke: ENG & RUS