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Consultation on small-scale water supply and sanitation and equitable access to water and sanitation

08 December 2014
Serbia Serbia

During the consultation, national experts reviewed the evidence base on the situation of small-scale water supply and sanitation services as well as access to water and sanitation in terms of equity in Serbia.

Related challenges were identified, which could be considered in the context of the ongoing national process of setting targets under the Protocol on Water and Health. The outcomes of the consultation also highlighted support needs to address prevailing challenges towards improving the situation.The consultation was organized back-to-back with the National workshop on the Protocol on Water and Health (9 December 2014) and the workshop on global monitoring programs for water and sanitation (10-11 December 2014). It was organized in the framework of the United Nations Development Account (UNDA) project “Strengthening Governments’ and water operators’ capacity to ensure equity of access to water and sanitation".


Documents ENG
Information Note PDF
Agenda PDF


Title ENG
Introduction to the specificities of small-scale water supply and sanitation,
Mr. Oliver Schmoll, WHO/Europe
The situation of small-scale systems in Serbia,
Ms. Katarina Spasovic, Institute of Public Health, Serbia
Introduction to the concept of “equitable access” and to the Equitable Access Score-card,
Ms. Chantal Demilecamps, UNECE
Reflections on equitable access from the Serbian perspective,
Ms. Ljiljana Jovanovic, Ministry of Health of Serbia