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Review of Implementation of Espoo Convention (2003-2005)

Review of Implementation
of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (2003-2005)
Available in English, French and Russian.
(ECE/MP.EIA/11, 148 pp., no. 9 in the Environment Series)
At their fourth meeting, in 2008, the Parties welcomed the reports by the Parties
and non-Parties on their implementation, adopted the Second Review of Implementation, as presented in this publication, and noted its findings (presented in section 1.4 of the Review). The Parties also agreed to repeat the review of implementation exercise for the fifth meeting of the Parties. In
addition, the Parties decided that Parties shall complete the questionnaire as a report on their implementation of the Convention, taking note of the obligation to report arising from Article 14 bis as adopted by decision III/7, and that a failure to report on implementation might be a compliance matter to be considered by the Implementation Committee.
The Meeting of the Parties requested the Convention’s Implementation Committee to take into account in its work general and specific compliance issues identified in this Second Review of Implementation. The Committee is responsible for the review of compliance by Parties with their obligations under the Convention. However, besides its importance to the Implementation
Committee, this Review provides valuable information for Parties wishing to strengthen their implementation of the Convention, for States considering acceding to the Convention in their legal and administrative preparations, and for others wishing to understand better how the Convention is implemented in national legislation and applied in practice.


I. Introduction
1.1 The Convention
1.2 Mandate and aim of the review
1.3 Level of response to the questionnaire
1.4 Findings of the review

2. Summary of responses to the questionnaire
2.1 Article 2: General Provisions
2.2 Article 3: Notification
2.3 Article 4: Preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Documentation
2.4 Article 5: Consultations
2.5 Article 6: Final Decision
2.6 Article 7: Post-Project Analysis
2.7 Article 8: Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements
2.8 Article 9: Research Programmes
2.9 Ratification of the amendments and the Protocol
2.10 Cases during the period
2.11 Experience of the transboundary environmental impact assessment procedure during the period
2.12 Cooperation between Parties during the period
2.14 Clarity of the Convention
2.15 Awareness of the Convention
2.16 Suggested improvements to the report