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Displaying Results 201 - 220 of 271

- English
Ten years have passed since UNECE received its mandate to undertake Environmental Performance Reviews. To mark the decade, assess progress and propose the Programme’s future direction, UNECE undertook the analysis contained in this publication.
… enia France Luxem bourg Spain Austria Georg ia Malta Sweden Azerbaijan Germ any Monaco Sw itzerland Be larus G reece … Soviet Union, except for the three Baltic States: Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Republic of …
- English
The year 2022 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention), which was adopted in Helsinki in 1992. Over the past three decades the Water Convention has served as a mechanism to strengthen
… River is of great social and economic importance for both Azerbaijan and Georgia. The two countries have participated … in renewable energy (policymakers and investors) in Azerbaijan recognized the importance of the nexus approach … River is of great social and economic importance for both Azerbaijan and Georgia. The two countries have participated …
- English
… Long- range Transboundary Air Pollution: Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, …
- English
In modern, competitive economies, knowledge-based innovation is the foundation for economic development. Sustained growth and improved living standards can only be obtained by increasing productivity and introducing new and better products and services that compete successfully in the global
… While substantial, this is around half the level in Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Turkey, Georgia, Kazakhstan and … with 11 countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, …
- English
This assessment was conducted between 18 June 2020 and 3 June 2021 with the objective of analyzing the developments and challenges in the management of biodiversity and protected areas (PAs) in 14 countries that carried out and completed a ECE Environmental Performance Review (EPR) under its 3rd
… Network), including sites in e.g., Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, the … WWF), which “provides for Georgia, as well as Armenia and Azerbaijan, a comprehensive ecological network map with … any new PAs planned at the state borders with Armenia or Azerbaijan (stipulated by the above 2011 Caucasus …
- English
Part of the WP.29, “How it works – How to join it” series, this publication introduces methodologies that are used to evaluate the socioeconomic utility of applying key UN Vehicle Regulations for improving road safety. It presents an overview of current global road safety and vehicle safety
… 1,000 inhabitants (1996=100) Botswana Serbia China Bolivia Azerbaijan Albania Cabo Verde Uganda Ethiopia Indonesia … 1,000 inhabitants (1996=100) Botswana Serbia China Bolivia Azerbaijan Albania Cabo Verde Uganda Ethiopia Indonesia …
- English
Available in English, French and
… are included in the analysis. 7 . At the time of writing, Azerbaijan and Germany have not submitted a completed …
- English
The National Trade Facilitation Roadmap of the Kyrgyz Republic 2021-2025 serves as the guiding framework for comprehensive national trade facilitation reforms over a five-year period. The Roadmap sets out a strategic vision and respective goals and activities for the Kyrgyz Republic to implement.
… Republic has bilateral agreements on a free trade zone with Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, …
- English
2006 Review prepared under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution English
… the Convention and its protocols: nine (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the … Parties, as of 15 September 2007 Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, …
- English
This study identifies key drivers of forest degradation and the potential for forest landscape restoration in 17 countries of Eastern and South-East Europe. It builds on assessments from national experts and the best available data to support countries in preparing restoration pledges in the run up
… Overview of the State of Forests and Forest Management in Azerbaijan *ECE/TIM/DP/79 Overview of the State of Forests …
- English
The 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide an ambitious and comprehensive framework that opens new perspectives for policymaking and international cooperation. Its integrated character highlights the linkages and complementarities that exist between different goals and
… sorts have been created as well in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Czechia, Georgia, North Macedonia, …
- English
Road accidents are a major problem in modern societies: annually almost 1.2 million people are killed and 50 million injured globally. Road traffic injuries are estimated to be the eighth leading cause of death globally, and the leading cause for children and young adults aged between 15 and 29
… density is 4 km/100 km2, Georgia’s is 29 km/100 km2 and Azerbaijan has 90 km/100 km2. Table 1 List of public roads … of them with a poor road safety record), Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, the maximum permitted speed in residential areas …
- English
The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention), hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), requires Parties to establish and implement joint programmes for monitoring transboundary waters, to carry out
… Morocco; Mohammed Al-Bakri, Iraq; Farida Alakbarova, Azerbaijan; Sarya Alameri, Iraq; Ahmed Alasadi, Iraq; Luay … Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC); Leyla Tagizadeh, Azerbaijan; Jos Timmerman, Netherlands; Callist Tindimugaya, …
- English
Riding towards green economy: Cycling and green jobs – A joint report by UN Environment-WHO-UNECE presents the results of a study undertaken by the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP). It builds on the 2014 publication, Unlocking new opportunities – jobs in green and
… Yerevan 1.12 3a 875 6 709 Austria Vienna 1.77 7 1 058 2 872 Azerbaijan Baku 2.12 3a 1 655 12 691 Belarus Minsk 1.89 0 98 …
- English
Coordination between the water, energy, food and environment sectors is fraught with difficulties at the national level and the complexity increases substantially in transboundary basins. The “nexus approach” to managing interlinked resources has emerged as a way to enhance water, energy and food
… on a pilot basin, the Alazani/Ganykh River Basin shared by Azerbaijan and Georgia (UNECE, 2015b). The Sava assessment …
- English
The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) was adopted in 1992 and entered into force in 1996. It brings together almost all countries sharing transboundary waters in the pan-European region, and is expected to achieve broader
… are Parties to the Water Convention: Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, …
- English
Statistics on social and demographic topics are usually produced from surveys of private households. People living in institutions are often excluded because it can be complicated and expensive to identify and sample the institutions and their residents. But populations across the UNECE region
… 66 France 75 Philippines 60 years and over Republic of Azerbaijan 70 years and over Switzerland 85 Ukraine 60 and …
- English
This UNECE publication contains: a background document, a strategic note and, the UNECE road map on ITS.
… to the public consul- tation: Ministry of Transport, Azerbaijan; Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport, …
- English
Intelligent Transport Systems play an important role in shaping the future ways of mobility and the transport sector. We expect that through the use of ITS applications transport will become
… to the public consul- tation: Ministry of Transport, Azerbaijan; Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport, …
- English
A national transport, health and environment action plan (NTHEAP) is a key tool and mechanism for developing sustainable and healthy transport in a country. NTHEAPs provide a comprehensive and intersectoral way of planning and implementing transport, environment and health action at the national
… it serves. Member States Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria …