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WP.6: Advisory Group on Market Surveillance 22nd Annual Meeting

During the 3rd Annual Forum of WP.6 Subgroups

04 April (9:00) - 05 April (12:00) 2024
Palais des Nations H-207-208-209, hybrid meeting Geneva Switzerland

This meeting takes place during the WP.6 third annual Forum


The Advisory Group on Market Surveillance (MARS) was established in 2003 to promote global trade and economic cooperation. The Group brings together all players involved (public authorities, manufacturers, retailers, importers, consumers, etc.) to increase transparency and attract attention to the role and responsibilities of public authorities in the chain of control. It has developed comprehensive guidance and serves as a forum of best practice and development of recommendation guidelines.


Date and location



Starting at

Wednesday, 3 April


Social dinner

Restaurant La Romana, Rue de Vermont 37, 1202 Genève

19:30 to 22:30

Thursday, 4 April 2024

Room H-207-209

Hybrid meeting


Launch of meeting, welcomes and approval of the agenda



Exchange on experiences in the area of market surveillance with an aim to identify and bring forward best practices in the field while further developing the network of global and regional market surveillance entities

  • Lucy Salt, WorkSafe New Zealand; MARS Vice Chair [PPT]
  • Damla Yeşeren Arafal, Ministry of Trade, Republic of Türkiye [PPT]




Putting together a possible revision of Recommendation N on Good Market Surveillance Policies and Practices

  • Jan Deconinck, Head of Belgian Metrology; MARS Chair [PPT]



Break for lunch


Thursday, 4 April

Room H-207-209

Hybrid conference



MARS Conference 2024

See separate background information and draft agenda

14:00 to 17:30

Friday, 5 April

Room H-313

Hybrid meeting


Administrative segment



Update on the revision of Recommendation M on Use of Market Surveillance Infrastructure as a Complementary Means to Protect Consumers and Users against Counterfeit Goods

  • Lucy Salt, WorkSafe New Zealand; MARS Vice Chair



Any other business; meetings of other bodies related to MARS



    Plans for next meetings and future projects



    End of meeting and break for lunch


    Nomination procedure

    During the annual session of this group, members will be asked to appoint the chair and vice chair(s) for the coming period. These nominations are done on an annual basis, with no limit on the number of times an officer can be re-nominated. Each group shall have a chair and a vice chair (there can be a maximum of two vice chairs).

    The procedures applied are described in document ECE/CTCS/WP.6/2023/12.


    The nominated individual must be a member of the subgroup and the nominations must be received from another member from this or another subgroup of WP.6 (self-nominations are not accepted). A member can only submit one nomination. The nominations will be scrutinised by the WP.6 chair who may refer it through the secretariat to the member State Mission in Geneva to the United Nations. Following such examination, the nomination may be excluded from further consideration at the discretion of the WP.6 chair and/or the member State Mission in Geneva to the United Nations (based on the individual’s expertise, potential reputational risks to WP.6 or other considerations). The candidates’ profiles are then circulated by the secretariat at least one week prior to the meeting (either published on the website or sent by email to the subgroup’s members). If voting is necessary to appoint an officer of the subgroup, the secretariat will publish the procedure to be applied at least one week prior to the meeting.


    Subgroup chairs are responsible for the meetings of the subgroup and presenting subgroup reports to the WP.6 annual session. This can be delegated by the chair to a vice chair or another member of the respective subgroup. The subgroup chair ensures the meetings are held in a professional, open and inclusive manner promoting transparency both internally and externally. The subgroup chair, with the assistance of the secretariat, ensures that all topics discussed within the subgroup are in line with the Programme of work and that deliberations are properly recorded.

    One of the subgroup vice chairs may act as chair in case of absence of the latter. Subgroup vice chairs attend subgroup annual meetings, bureau meetings and relevant meetings. They carry out tasks assigned to them by the chair.

    Subgroup bureau members should make every effort to attend their respective subgroup’s meetings, as well as the WP.6 annual session, preferably in person. All officers should give advance notice to the WP.6 chair and/or secretariat if they are unable to attend meetings. All officers are expected to participate in the work of WP.6 in a spirit of cooperation to effectively promote the work of the Working Party according to its mandate. The subgroup chair or the WP.6 chair should take up the matter of attendance at meetings or constructive participation if the need arises.

    Nomination procedures:

    If there is more than one candidate for any given position, or there is a request from a member State, the secretariat will prepare and publish a nomination procedure at least one week prior to the event.

    Candidatures received:

    Candidate for Chair: Mr Jan Deconinck

    Candidate for Vice Chair: Ms Lucy Salt

    Candidate for Vice Chair: Mr Ivan Hendrikx