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Start-ups for smart cities in a digital world: Harnessing the potential of Blockchain for smart cities

08 - 09 April 2019
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

Blockchain is an important emerging innovation that has the potential to bring together all the stakeholders involved in value chains and those regulating them: producers, intermediaries, the final consumers and the authorities – local, regional, national governments and international institutions. Start-ups and innovative initiatives are playing the substantial role in closing the loops. Innovative solutions developed by start-ups can play as drivers of the economic and social growth in case of cities, implementing the green digital solutions for the smart cities.

Interoperability is crucial for these platforms to operate internationally and cities can play a vital role in this. Cities as functionally homogeneous units can represent the proper environment for sustanable development of local economies. The implementation of blockchain technology within cities can demonstrate the possible achievements supporting the SDGs. Blockchain technology has a big potential to implement the SDGs as UN/CEFACT has highlighted in its White papers. UNECE with the support of the Republic of Slovenia and CV VC welcome you to discover the Exhibition and partecipate to the Side Event “Start-ups for smart cities in a digital world - Harnessing the potential of Blockchain for smart cities.

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