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UNFC development continues: rules for application to renewables released for public comment

Generic specifications (rules of application) for the application of the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 2009 (UNFC) to renewable energy were released today for public comment. Comments are invited from all relevant constituencies until 12 September 2014.  The views of all stakeholders will be critical in ensuring the development of a robust set of specifications that meet the needs of the full range of end users. All comments received will be made publicly available on the UNECE website.

The specifications were prepared by a dedicated Task Force of the UNECE Expert Group on Resource Classification. The Task Force limited its initial work to focus on the development of generic specifications and is now turning its attention to the development of renewable commodity-specific specifications e.g. for bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, solar and wind. Frank Denelle, Chairman of the Task Force on the Application of UNFC to Renewable Energy Resources and Vice President, Reserves and Resources, Shell, stated “A general classification system for renewables does not currently exist worldwide. The application of UNFC to renewable projects could not only improve the view of energy sustainability but also greatly facilitate the economic evaluation of projects and the raising of finance”.

UNFC, which has been developed by the Expert Group on Resource Classification under the auspices of UNECE, is applicable to all extractive activities worldwide. The work undertaken by the Task Force over the last twelve months has resulted in the draft generic specifications that will allow UNFC to be applied to renewable energy. Scott Foster, Director of UNECE’s Sustainable Energy Division noted “As the renewables industry becomes fully commercialized, it is important that renewable energy resources be quantified and classified in a common and transparent way. Adopting a common assessment methodology for renewable resources will greatly benefit governments, investors, regulators, and consumers”.

The draft Specifications are available for public comment on the UNECE website at:

For further information please contact:
Charlotte Griffiths
UNECE Sustainable Energy Division
[email protected].

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