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Unofficial Online Meeting of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane

22 - 23 July 2020
Unofficial CMM meeting_online_July 2020









The session started with the discussion on the role of fossil fuels in the future energy mix. It was held within the context of the recent activities undertaken by the Sustainable Energy Division under the guidance of the Committee on Sustainable Energy. The following matters were addressed:

  • UNECE Carbon Neutrality project and the Group’s role in it,
  • Policy Recommendations from the Pathways to Sustainable Energy Project, and
  • The initiative of the International Year/Decade of Methane.

Besides, the Group discussed its own future, giving focus to potential activities and modalities of its functioning. With regard to the former a discussion on a possible cooperation with the European Commission on methane emissions from the coal sector was be held. As for the latter, the Group discussed a need for, as well as potential content of Rules of Procedure for the Group itself and its Bureau.

The second session, which took place on Thursday, 23 July, featured joint meeting of our Group and the GMI Coal Sub-committee. The main agenda item discussed on the second day consisted of a panel discussion on Challenges and Opportunities for Capture and Use of Coal Mine Methane in the COVID-19 World, during which four presentations were delivered showing impact of the pandemic on the CMM projects in the selected coal mining countries.


Document Title & Symbol ENG FRE RUS
Provisional agenda and timetable      
Draft agenda for the session PDF    
Draft timetable PDF    
Other documents      
Report of the 14th session of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane 
Draft conclusions and recommendations       
Draft conclusions and recommendations PDF    
Draft conclusions and recommendations for the 15th session      
Draft conclusions and recommendations PDF    
Draft report for the 15th session      
Draft Report for the 15th session of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane


Presentation Title ENG FRE RUS
CMM Session slides PDF    
GMI Coal Subcommittee Report PDF    
GMI Secretariat Update PDF    
Challenges and Opportunities for Capture and Use of Coal Mine Methane in the COVID-19 World - US
by Michael Cote, Ruby Canyon Environmental
Challenges and Opportunities for Capture and Use of Coal Mine Methane in the COVID-19 World - Poland
by Jacek Skiba, Central Mining Institute of Katowice
Challenges and Opportunities for Capture and Use of Coal Mine Methane in the COVID-19 World - China
by Selina Huang, China National Coal Group Corporation
Challenges and Opportunities for Capture and Use of Coal Mine Methane in the COVID-19 World - India
by Rajiw Lochan, Central Mine Planning & Design Institute
GMI Poll Results and Closing Remarks PDF