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Natural Mining Hazards 2022

08 - 10 November 2022
Jaworze Poland

Central Mining Institute, which is a member of the International Centre of Excellence on Coal Mine Methane in Poland, in cooperation with the Society of Mining Engineers and Technicians and the Katowice Branch of the Mining Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences organized on 8-10 November 2022 in Jaworze, Poland the 29th International Science and Technology Conference: Natural Mining Hazards 2022.

The central topic of the conference was: Are natural hazards a barrier to increasing production?

Detailed topics of the Conference included:

  1. Rock burst hazards
  2. Seismic hazards
  3. Aerological hazards
  4. Monitoring of powered roof supports
  5. Stability of mining excavations
  6. Methane hazards (discussed primarily durring the session organized and delivered by the International Centre of Excellence on Coal Mine Methane in Poland)

The UNECE Secretariat and the International Centre of Excellence on Coal Mine Methane in Poland were present at the event and delivered 6 presentations (please see below)