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3rd Session Group of Experts on Renewable Energy

20 - 21 October 2016
Baku Azerbaijan

The third session of the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy will be held in the framework of the Seventh International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development. It will focus its discussions on activities included in its Work Plan for 2016–2017. Among the discussion items will be Tracking progress of renewable energy uptake and synergies with energy efficiency; Best practices on how to increase the uptake of renewable energy; Integration of renewable energy in future sustainable energy systems; Developing a common assessment methodology for renewable energy projects.

The session will include specific discussions jointly organized with other key partners: (i) the concluding session of the Regional seminar on enabling  policy reforms for renewable energy investments, organized together with ESCWA; (ii) Consultation meeting on renewable energy potential in Central Asia lead by IRENA; (iii) The interplay between renewable energy and fossil fuels: the post-Paris agenda, organized together with ESCWA; (iv) Workshop on the role of Strategic Environmental Assessment in renewable energy planning organized together with the UNECE Environment Division.




Document Title & Symbol ENG FRE RUS
Annotated Provisional Agenda for the third session
Report of the Third Session of the Group of Experts on  Renewable Energy
Concept Note of the Seventh International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development
Reviewing the state of renewable energy development: key findings, barriers and options
Key drivers for renewable energy within future energy systems- case studies
Good practices and policies for intersectoral synergies to deploy renewable energy: the water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus approach to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Informal Documents

Informal Document Title & Symbol ENG FRE RUS

Overview Report: Status and Perspectives for  Renewable Energy Development in the UNECE Region (10/2015 – 07/2016)
Capacity Development for Climate Policy in Western Balkan, Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia
by Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – German Energy Agency, Division of Renewable Energy and Energy-efficient Mobility
Room Document-Group of Experts on Renewable Energy/1/2016




Renewable Energy Resources Classification System - overview of the project PDF


Presentation Title & Author ENG FRE RUS
Tracking progress of renewable energy uptake and synergies with energy efficiency (Agenda Item 4)      
Nurali Yusifbayli, Deputy Chairman, AREA – Chairman of the International Conference on Renewable Energy PDF    
Ute Collier, Senior Programme Manager, Renewable Energy Division, International Energy Agency (IEA) PDF    
Tyler Bryant, Project Manager, Energy Efficiency Division, International Energy Agency (IEA) PDF    
Vugar Aliyev, Director of Training Center, Azerishiq OJSC PDF    
Martin Hullin, Project Manager, Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) PDF    
Gurbuz Gonul, Senior Programme Officer, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) PDF
Best practices on how to increase the uptake of renewable energy (Agenda Item 5)         
Gianluca Sambucini, Renewable Energy Programme Manager, Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE PDF    
Oliver Frank, Head of Division, Renewable Energy and Energy-Efficient Mobility, Dena (German Energy Agency) PDF    
Milos Banjac, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Mining and Energy of Serbia, and Vice-Chair GERE PDF    
Annukka Lipponen, Environmental Affairs Officer, Environment Division, UNECE PDF    
Ayaz Salmanov, Deputy Head, Department on Environmental Projects, SOCAR PDF    
Jovita Lauciute, Market Manager, Power Systems Network Management, ABB PDF
Concluding Seminar on policy reforms for renewable energy investments (Agenda Item 6)        
Andrés Schuschny, Coordinator of the BIEE Programme (Energy Efficiency Data Base in LAC), ECLAC -Moderator PDF    
Mohamed El Haouari, Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, National Agency for Development of RE & EE (ADEREE), Morocco PDF    
Dhamir Mannai, Former Member of the Tunisian Parliament, Parliamentary Advisor / Regional Director, Africa and Middle East - Climate Parliament PDF    
Glada Shona Lahn, Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, United Kingdom PDF    
Aleksandar Dukovski, Director, Energy Agency of the Republic of Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Emmanuel Bergasse, Energy Economist, Independent Expert, France
Shamil Huseynov, Head of Division, Committee on Natural Resources, Energy and Ecology under the National Assembly of Azerbaijan PDF    
Consultation meeting on renewable energy potential in Central Asia (Agenda Item 7)      
Gurbuz Gonul, IRENA PDF    
Jamil Malikov, Azerbaijan PDF    
Shamil Dikambaev, Kyrgyzstan PDF    
Kosimbek Olimbekov, Tajikistan PDF    
Rakhimjan Babakhodjaev, Uzbekistan     PDF
Representative from Kazakhstan PDF    
Katarina Uherova Hasbani, Revelle Group PDF    
John O’Brien, UNDP PDF    
Stefanie Held, UNECE PDF    
Martin Hullin, REN21 PDF    
Ming Yang, GEF PDF    
Nazim Mammadov, UNDP Azerbaijan PDF    
Manas Puri, FAO PDF    
Rasim Mamedov, Azalternativenerji LLC PDF    

Integration of renewable energy in future sustainable energy systems (Agenda Item 8)  

Valeh Nasibov, Deputy Director, Scientific-Research and Design-Prospecting Power Engineering Institute, Azerbaijan PDF    
Scott Foster, Director, Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE PDF    
Georgy Ermolenko, Head of the Center for the Development of Renewable Energy, Energy Institute, Moscow Higher School of Economics PDF    
Katarina Uherova Hasbani, Revelle Group PDF    
Brice Henry Louis Tranie, Vice President, Aloe Private Equity Company  PDF    
The interplay between renewable energy and fossil fuels: the post-Paris agenda (Agenda Item 9)    PDF    
Radia Sedaoui, Chief Energy Section, UNESCWA PDF    
Ute Collier, Senior Programme Manager, Renewable Energy Division, International Energy Agency (IEA) PDF    
Mostefa Ouki, Vice President Energy & Chemicals and Head of Nexant's Gas Group, United Kingdom
Innovation & Technology Solutions
Glada Lahn, Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources - Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House PDF    
Toufic Mezher, UN ESCWA consultant PDF    
Developing a common assessment methodology for renewable energy projects (Agenda Item 10)         
Scott Foster, Director, Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE PDF    
Frank Denelle, Vice-President Reserves, Shell PDF    
Maria Michela Morese, Executive Secretary, Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) PDF    
Martin Hullin, Project Manager, Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) PDF    
Workshop on the role of Strategic Environmental Assessment in renewable energy planning (Agenda Item 11)         
Sahib Khalilov, Head of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources and Environmental Assessment Department, AREA PDF    
Nazir Ramazanov, Adviser to Chairman, AREA PDF    
Martin Smutny, UNECE consultant PDF    
Marta Marta Brkić, Managing Director, Dvokut ECRO d.o.o, Croatia PDF    
Aysel Babayeva, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan PDF    
Olena Borysova, EBRD PDF    
Baku, Azerbaijan
Seventh International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development
(18-21 October 2016)
3rd Session of the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency (18-19 October 2016)
3rd Session Group of Experts on Renewable Energy (20-21 October 2016)
