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Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Admitting holistic approach to building design, delivery and operation and a paradigm that envisions buildings as energy producers and not solely or primarily as energy sinks, UNECE develops framework guidelines for energy efficiency standards in buildings, conducts research on existing energy efficiency standards and technologies in buildings in the UNECE region, etc.

Framework Guidelines for Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings

UNECE promotes development and dissemination of international standards in energy efficiency, and specifically, the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing and the UNECE Framework Guidelines for Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings (the Framework Guidelines). Endorsed by the UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy and the Committee on Housing and Land Management, the Framework Guidelines call for:

  • Dissemination to ensure that national, regional and municipal leaders in the public, private, research and education sectors must be made aware of the framework’s vision, logic, practicality, and advantages.
  • Education to provide information and guidance to all players to foster local development of building standards, codes and practices that are aligned with the Framework.
  • Research through a collaboration among leaders in science and technology to focus on challenges in such areas as: (1) building components and materials; (2) building design, construction and monitoring; (3) energy generation and distribution; (4) integrated urban systems and life cycle management; and (5) strategies for each country and climate zone to be carbon-free by 2050.
  • Consultation to establish formal and informal communication channels with local policy, market, and knowledge stakeholders for evaluation of impact, dialogue on in impact strategy, addressing discovered or unanticipated challenges, and cultivating global consensus in support of the Framework.
  • Participation through institution of networks of support and engagement among leading corporations, foundations, universities, professions, civil society and others with the array of resources – intellectual, experiential, financial, and relational – that will be required to enable deep transformation.

In accordance with its Work Plan for 2020-2021 (ECE/ENERGY/2019/8, Section II.B) the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency reviewed the Framework Guidelines for Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings and proposed an updated version of the document. The document was considered and approved by the Group of Experts at its seventh session (22 and 25 September 2020).

ECE/ENERGY/GE.6/2020/4 - Framework Guidelines for Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings ENG FRE RUS

Studies and Documents

Guide for the implementation of energy efficiency measures and valorization of renewable energy sources for public sector buildings      
Gap analysis and national studies      
Compendium of best practices on standards and technologies for energy efficiency in buildings in the UNECE region (Draft of 21 March 2019) PDF   PDF
Study on Mapping of Existing Technologies to Enhance Energy Efficiency in Buildings in the UNECE Region (March 2019):  
1. Country Sheets . Subregions C,E,F.
2. Country Sheets. Subregions A,B,D.


Study on Mapping Energy Efficiency Standards and Technologies in Buildings in the UNECE Region (August 2018) PDF   PDF
Framework guidelines for energy efficiency standards in buildings ECE/ENERGY/GE.6/2017/4 PDF PDF PDF

Meetings and Events

Online Workshop on Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings and their Implementation in the UNECE region (9 April 2021, Geneva and Chisinau (online), Moldova)
On-line capacity-building workshop on data solutions for evidence-based policy and stakeholder collaboration (14 May 2020, Tbilisi, Georgia, held on-line due to the COVID-19 situation)
On-line capacity-building workshop on data solutions for evidence-based policy and stakeholder collaboration (12 May 2020, Yerevan, Armenia, held on-line due to the COVID-19 situation)
Training Workshop on High Performance Buildings (21-22 November 2019, Yerevan, Armenia)
Outcomes of the UNECE project on Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings - Fifth Meeting of the UNECE Joint Task Force on Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings, Yerevan, Armenia (14-15 March 2019)
Fourth Meeting of the Joint Task Force on Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings - Workshop on energy efficiency in buildings (13 November 2018), Kyiv
Third Meeting of the Joint Task Force on Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings - Workshop on the results of mapping the technologies to enhance energy efficiency in buildings (3 October 2018), Geneva
Training Seminar on High-performance energy efficiency standards in buildings in the UNECE Region (5-7 September 2018), St. Petersburg
Workshop on Validation of Results of Mapping of Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings in the UNECE Region- Second Meeting of the Joint Task Force on Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings (14-15 May 2018), Yerevan, Armenia
First meeting of the Joint Task Force on Energy Efficiency Standards in Buildings (30-31 October 2017), Geneva
Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Framework Guidelines (12 June 2017), Astana, Kazakhstan