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Workshop on Statistical Data Editing

31 August - 04 September 2020
Online Geneva Switzerland

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Statistical Data Editing Workshop 2020 was held as an online workshop.

Document Title Documents Presentations
Information Notice 1 PDF -
Programme PDF -
Meeting report PDF  
Opening of the workshop
- Taeke Gjaltema (UNECE)
- Presentation
Opening of the workshop
- Daniel Kilchmann (Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland)
- Presentation
Keynote presentation
Recent advances in imputation methods
- Yves Tille (University of Neuchatel)
- Presentation
Statistical data cleaning for official statistics with R
- Mark van der Loo (Statistics Netherlands)
- Presentation
Topic - Quality: assessing data quality and indicators
Introduction to the topic
- Sander Scholtus (Statistics Netherlands) and Pedro Revilla (INE, Spain)
- Presentation
Evaluating Imputation Methods using ImpACT: First Case Study
- Darren Gray (Statistics Canada)
Paper Presentation
Variance estimation after mass imputation with an application to the Dutch population census
- Sander Scholtus (Statistics Netherlands)
Paper Presentation
General discussion - Presentation
Topic - Imputation Methods: machine learning and and new/emerging methods
Introduction to the topic
- Sander Scholtus (Statistics Netherlands) and Li-Chun Zhang (Statistics Norway)
- Presentation
Wage Imputation with Deep Learning in the French Labor Force Survey
- Damien Babet (Insee, France)
Paper Presentation
Bayesian Estimation of Linear Dynamic Panel Models with Missing Values
- Marcel Preising (Federal Statistical Office, Germany)
Paper Presentation
Outlier detection and imputation using ML
- Susie Jentoft (Statistics Norway)
Paper Presentation
RBEIS: A robust nearest neighbour donor imputation system implemented in SAS
- Fern Leather (Office for National Statistics, UK)
Abstract Presentation
General discussion - Presentation
Topic - Methods: for machine learning and time series data, and new/emerging methods
Introduction to the topic
- Darren Gray (Statistics Canada) and Daniel Kilchmann (Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland)
- Presentation
The UNECE High-Level-Group for the Modernization of Official Statistics Machine Learning Project: A report of the Editing & Imputation Group
- Florian Dumpert (Federal Statistical Office, Germany)
Paper Presentation
Editing of Social Survey Data
- Claus Sthamer (Office for National Statistics, UK)
Paper Presentation
ML to identify patterns behind errors in STS statistics
- Fabiana Rocci (Istat, Italy)
Paper Presentation
Two-Phase Learning
- Tatsiana Pekarskaya (Statistics Norway)
Paper Presentation
General discussion - Presentation
Topic - Processes: editing in a generic process, standardisation and meta-data driven processes
Introduction to the topic
- Agnes Andics (Central Statistical Office, Hungary) and Simona Rosati (Istat, Italy)
- Presentation
Generic Statistical Data Editing Model (GSDEM)
- Daniel Kilchmann (Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland)
- Presentation
Implementing main types of International validation rules in national validation processes
- Olav ten Bosch (Statistics Netherlands)
Paper Presentation
Modern, process oriented and metadata driven statistical production
- Anna Długosz (Statistics Poland)
Paper Presentation
Automation of E & I Processes
- Kerstin Lange (Federal Statistical Office, Germany)
Paper Presentation
General discussion - Presentation
Topic - Data: 2021 Census, administrative data, geospatial data, big data and other alternative data
Introduction to the topic
- Fern Leather (Office of National Statistics, UK) and Li-Chun Zhang (Statistics Norway)
- Presentation
Webscraped data for replacing and validating survey questions
- Johannes Gussenbauer (Statistics Austria)
Paper Presentation
An imputation procedure for the Italian attained level of education in the register of individuals based on administrative and survey data
- Romina Filippini (Istat, Italy)
Paper Presentation
Use of administrative data and alternative data for census when applying modern technologies
- Janusz Dygaszewicz (Statistics Poland)
Paper Presentation
An overview of the editing and imputation process of the 2018 Italian Permanent census
- Francesco Scalfati (Istat, Italy)
Paper Presentation
General discussion - Presentation
Poster session
Robust Tools for Statistical Data Editing and Imputation
- Kazumi Wada (Tsuda University, Japan)
Internal Information System. A possibility of low-cost data governance inside the National Statistical Offices
- Tania Garcia (INEGI, Mexico)
The imputation of the “Attained Level of Education” in the base register of individuals: an experimentation using Machine Learning techniques
- Fabrizio DeFausti (Istat, Italy)
Poster Presentation
Profile of Manufacturing Exports Enterprise
- Carlo Lopez (INEGI, Mexico)
Territorial preparation in census 2021
- Ludmila Ivancikova (Slovakia)
Poster -
Challenges and advancements in assessing data quality during the generation of criminal and justice statistics in Mexico
- Ines Arce (INEGI, Mexico)
Poster -
Future work discussion
Short presentation about future work ideas received
- Daniel Kilchmann (Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland)
- Presentation
Future work discussion
- Daniel Kilchmann (Federal Statistics Office, Switzerland)
- Presentation