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Fourth Session of the SPECA Working Group on Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Development and Subregional workshop

18 October (14:00) - 19 October (18:00) 2023
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent, Uzbekistan

UNECE is organising the following events on 18 and 19 October 2023 during the Innoweek  which will take place at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan (University Street 7, Almazar district, Tashkent):

  • UNECE B2B session "Innovation for the Circular Economy: Bridging Start-ups and Corporations", 18 October (9:00–12:00), Room Amphitheatre
  • 4th session of the SPECA Working Group on Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Development (Part 1): Subregional Workshop on Innovation and Digital Transformation in the SPECA subregion,18 October (14:00 - 17:30 in Room 516) and 19 October (9:30 – 12:15 in Room 315)
  • 4th session of the SPECA Working Group on Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Development (Part 2), 19 October (14:00 -17:00 in Room 315).

For details of proceedings, please see news itme.


48519 _ Draft programme (as of 17 October 2023) _ 384266 _ English _ 773 _ 396182 _ pdf
48519 _ Draft programme (as of 17 October 2023) _ 384266 _ Russian _ 864 _ 396183 _ pdf

Background documents

51393 _ SPECA WG on ITSD: Work Plan _ 383760 _ English _ 773 _ 395920 _ pdf
51393 _ SPECA WG on ITSD: Work Plan _ 383760 _ Russian _ 864 _ 395921 _ pdf
51393 _ UNECE Handbook on New Innovation Policy (advance copy) _ 383761 _ English _ 773 _ 394893 _ pdf
51393 _ UNECE Handbook on New Innovation Policy (advance copy) _ 383761 _ Russian _ 864 _ 394830 _ pdf
51393 _ UNECE Handbook on Business Incubators _ 383763 _ English _ 773 _ 394834 _ pdf
51393 _ UNECE Handbook on Business Incubators _ 383763 _ Russian _ 864 _ 394835 _ pdf
51393 _ UNECE Handbook on Innovative High-Growth Enterprises _ 383764 _ English _ 773 _ 394836 _ pdf

Part I

Session 4: Good Practices of Digital Technology Applications

52990 _ Digital Solutions Center in Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan) _ 384834 _ English _ 773 _ 397596 _ pdf

Part II

4th Session of the SPECA Working Group on Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Development (WG on ITSD)

52994 _ ESCAP Work Progress and Work Plan 2023-2024 _ 384835 _ English _ 773 _ 397599 _ pdf

Report of the meeting

53688 _ Report of the 4th session of the WG on ITSD _ 385338 _ English _ 773 _ 398948 _ pdf
53688 _ Report of the 4th session of the WG on ITSD _ 385338 _ Russian _ 864 _ 414910 _ pdf