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Displaying Results 1381 - 1400 of 2825

- English
Making Data Meaningful Part 1 - A guide to writing stories about numbers. Available in English (1.6 MB), Russian (1.8 MB), Spanish (301 KB
- English
The purpose of this publication is to assist the UNECE staff in the preparation,implementation, monitoring and evaluation of technical cooperation projects. Download:ENG
- English
What is the Aarhus Convention? ENGQué es el Conventio de Aarhus? ESP Public Participation in Strategic Environmental Decisions: Guide for Environmental Citizens Organizations ENG
- English
You and the Espoo ConventionAvailable in English, Russian and French.(ECE/MP.EIA/13, 32 pp.)An introductory booklet.
- English
This study provides an analytical overview of the development of national mechanisms for gender equality and the empowerment of women in countries in South-East and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia since the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995. Download: ENG
- English
This study provides a comprehensive picture of the diversity, mandates, rules and functions of national mechanisms for gender equality in the European Union, Candidate countries and other Developed Economies, capturing the main trends in their development since the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995.Download:
- Pусский
Доступный в английском и русском языках.(ECE/CP.TEIA/21, 21 стр.)Нью-Йорк и Женева, 2010 г.Программа оказания помощи была начата в 2004 году с целью оказания поддержки Сторонам и ЕЭК ООН в странах с переходной экономикой в ​​целях повышения промышленной
- English
Available in English and Russian(ECE/CP.TEIA/21, 18 pp.)New York and Geneva, 2010The Assitance Programme was launched in 2004 in order to support Parties and ECE countries with economies in transition to improve industrial safety. It is a needs-based effort
- English
Electronic-only publication, available in English and Russian.Basic information for States interested in becoming Party to the Protocol.
- Pусский
Электронно-единственное издание, на английском и русском языках.(На английском языке 2 Мбайт, русском 5 Мбайт)Основная информация для государств, заинтересованных в присоединении к Протоколу.
- Pусский
Протокол по проблемам воды и здоровья, совместно обслуживаемый ЕЭК ООН/ВОЗ-Евро, был принят в особенности для того, чтобы гарантировать снабжение безопасной питьевой водой и достаточными санитарно-гигиеническим условиями для каждого, посредством построения связи между управлением водными ресурсами и проблемами здоровья. Его основной целью является охрана здоровья и благополучия человека путем
- Français
The UNECE/WHO-Europe Protocol on Water and Health has been negotiated specifically to ensure, by linking water management and health issues, the supply of safe drinking water and adequate sanitation for everyone. Its main aim is to protect human health and well-being through preventing, controlling and reducing water-related diseases and through improving water management. Setting targets and
- English
The UNECE/WHO-Europe Protocol on Water and Health has been negotiated specifically to ensure, by linking water management and health issues, the supply of safe drinking water and adequate sanitation for everyone. Its main aim is to protect human health and well-being through preventing, controlling and reducing water-related diseases and through improving water management. Setting targets and
- Pусский
Более половины лесов в Европе, исключая Россию и другие страны СНГ, находится в частной собственности. Частные лесовладельцы играют одну из ключевых ролей в обеспечении устойчивости лесных экосистем, развитии сельских районов и осуществлении поставок ресурсов на рынок. Тем не менее о частных лесовладениях в Европе по прежнему многое неизвестно. В 2006-2007 годах Европейская экономическая
- Français
Plus de la moitié des forêts européennes, en dehors de la Russie et d’autres pays de la CEI, appartiennent à des propriétaires privés. Ces derniers jouent un rôle essentiel dans l’entretien des écosystèmes forestiers, le développement rural et la fourniture de ressources aux marchés. Toutefois, les connaissances sont notoirement insuffisantes sur la propriété forestière privée en Europe. Une
- English
ECE/TIM/SP/26Read more
- English
Action Plan for Energy-Efficient Housing in the UNECE Region (2010)This Action Plan provides a framework for the member States of the region to raise energy efficiency in the housing sector and thus enable them to more effectively address environmental and economic challenges and meet social needs. The Action Plan lists
- English
Adopted on 30 September 1957 in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the ADR entered into force on 29 January 1968. This authoritative Agreement is intended to increase the safety of international transport of dangerous goods by road. Its Annexes A and B contain the technical requirements for road transport, i.e. the conditions under