Displaying Results 1 - 10 of 10
- English
This report contributes to the development of COVID-19 recovery efforts and economic and social strategy and priority actions in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, based on the gender-sensitive approach and the strengthening of the care economy strategies in the post-pandemic recovery period. It represents an overview of the main policy areas of the development and implementation of public post-
- English
To support national efforts toward developing and implementing care-responsive and gender-transformative response and recovery policies, the UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) has engaged in a global project with UN regional commissions and cooperating partners. The toolkit “Placing Gender Equality and Care in the Center of National Economic Policies in Response to COVID-19” has been
- English
The report Childcare, Women’s Employment and the COVID-19 Impact and Response: The Case of the Kyrgyz Republic is part of the “UNECE - UN Women series: Rethinking care economy and empowering women for building back better”. This series includes key results of a collaboration between UNECE and UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia in the framework of the UN Development Account
- English
The report looks at the current situation of women’s labour force participation in Serbia, unemployment and activity rates, the gender pay gap and the linkages between women’s employment, childcare provision and family policies (including maternity and parental leave). It explores how childcare provision affects women’s labour market participation. The report examines the impacts of COVID-19
- English
The Report presents a thematic regional analysis of unpaid work of women in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) and the resulting empowerment women gain when their responsibility for such work is reduced. The report concludes with policy recommendations that prioritize the importance of unpaid work as a barrier to women’s economic empowerment. Removing this barrier require specific
- English
Opportunities and challenges for gender equality in the COVID-19 recovery
COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of investment in the care economy for successful response, recovery and “building back better” from the pandemic. The report provides evidence on UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) member states´ efforts to secure and expand care-focused investment during the pandemic response
- English
This document provides a mapping of policy initiatives in the ECE region. It identifies applications of best practices and innovative approaches which can be incorporated into individual country’s measures and initiatives. It is based on data from all ECE member states, compiled between July and September 2020, from available international or regional databases as well as national sources.
- English
This policy brief is part of the United Nations Development Account tranche 13 project: Strengthening Social Protection for Pandemic Response, in particular its workstream on strengthening care policies with a gender lens with the participation of UN regional commissions and cooperating partners, including UN Women regional offices. It analyzes economic and social policies of ECE member states in
- English
Statistics and indicators that reflect the realities of the lives of women and men are needed to describe women’s and men’s role in the society, economy and family, to formulate and monitor policies and plans, monitor changes, and inform the public. In 2010, the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) established the Task Force on Indicators of Gender Equality, to improve the monitoring of