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Displaying Results 1461 - 1480 of 2829

- English
Readmore (2.6 MB) (2009)
- English
Read more (3.4 MB) (2009)
- Pусский
Document Title RUSПрименяя протокол по СЭО PDF
- English
Document Title ENGApplying the Protocol on SEA ENG
- English
Clearing the Air, 30th Anniversary brochure   
- English
Commercial quality standards for agricultural produce are developed and approved by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe through its Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards. These international standards facilitate trade, encourage high-quality production, improve profitability and protect consumer interests. They are used by governments, producers, traders, importers
- English
This publication takes stock of the longer-term progress in mainstreaming gender into economic policies and presents good practices in areas such as employment, budgetary and fiscal policies, social protection, pensions and gender statistics. It identifies major gaps and challenges in these policies and suggests actions to move forward. Download:
- English
This paper presents gender disparities and related challenges constraining economic development and growth within Central Asian and Caucasian countries. It highlights that gender needs to be mainstreamed into the macroeconomic framework of countries. structural policies to overcome persistent gaps and avoid adverse effects on men and women.Download:
- English
This report explores the possibility of establishing a more comprehensive set of indicators for measuring gender equality in the economy. It is designed to provoke further interest and discussion on the possibility of obtaining additional MDG-related indicators. Download:ENG
- Pусский
Изменение климата приведет к существенным воздействиям на наши водные ресурсы. Некоторые воздействия ощущаются уже в настоящее время. Ожидается, что почти все страны будут испытывать негативные воздействия. Более того, воздействия в результате изменения климата будут оказывать
- Français
Les changements climatiques auront des effets importants sur nos ressources en eau et certains de ces effets sont déjà visibles. Presque tous les pays doivent s’attendre à subir des effets négatifs. De plus, les impacts des changements climatiques sur les ressources en eau auront
- Español
El cambio climático causará un importante impacto en nuestros recursos hídricos y algunos de estos efectos son ya visibles. Prácticamente la totalidad de los países se verán afectados negativamente. Además, el impacto del cambio climático en los recursos hídricos provocará un efecto en cadena en la salud humana y en muchos ámbitos de la economía y la sociedad ya que varios sectores
- English
Climate change will result in significant impacts on our water resources and some of the effects are already visible now. Nearly all the countries are expected to be negatively aff ected. Moreover, climate change impacts on water resources will have cascading effects on human health and many parts of the economy and society, as various sectors directly depend on water. Adaptation to climate
- English
This is the second EPR of Kyrgyzstan published by ECE. The report takes stock of the progress made by Kyrgyzstan in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 2000. It assesses the implementation of the recommendations in the first review (Annex I). It also covers nine issues of importance to Kyrgyzstan concerning policymaking, planning and implementation, the
- Pусский
Укрепление потенциала водного сотрудничества в Восточной Европе, на Кавказе и в Центральной АзииECE/MP.WAT/32ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ОБЪЕДИНЕННЫХ НАЦИЙНью-Йорк и Женева, 2009 годDownload this Publication
- English
UNECE Capacity for Water Cooperation in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia SeriesECE/MP.WAT/32UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2009Download this publication English, French and
- English
This publication represents the final report of the UNFC Mapping Task Force, however it should be seen as an interim step in an on-going process. The Mapping Task Force reached several key conclusions and made some specific recommendations for due consideration by the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Harmonization of Fossil Energy and Mineral Resources Terminology, which are outlined in this
- English
ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5 Sales No. 09.VIII.3 ISBN 978-92-1-139135-0 Price: US$ 100; US$ 50 for developing countries and economies in transition; US$ 25 for least developed countries Languages: A, C, E, F, R, SHow to order this publication?The Manual of Tests and Criteria contains criteria, test methods and procedures to be used for
- English
Established by the Economic and Social Council in 1947, the United NationsEconomic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is one of five regional economiccommissions of the United Nations.UNECE sets out norms and standards and develops conventions to facilitateregional cooperation and regional integration, contributes to better cohesion of countries of theregion and their beneficial integration in the
- Pусский
Document Title RUS ЕЭК ООН следит за тем, применяют ли государства положения Конвенции Эспо PDF