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Environment Policy Publications

Displaying Results 341 - 360 of 921

- English
The National Policy Dialogues is the main operational instrument of the EU Water Initiative (EUWI), an international partnership that aims to contribute to the achievement of the water related Millennium Development Goals. UNECE is the strategic partner supporting the policy dialogue process on
- English
Learning for the future – competences for education for sustainable developmentThe competences in ESD described in this document are those of educators and not of learners, although both are intricately related. They go
- English
Available in English27 pp., Geneva, 2012The Convention was adopted 20 years ago, in 1992, to protect people and the environment against industrial accidents that can have transboundary effects. The publication reflects on
- Pусский
Упрощенное информационное справочное руководство по поддержке практического применения Протокола по стратегической экологической оценкеПубликация доступна на английском,
- Français
Version simplifiée du manuel pratique destiné à appuyer l’applicationdu Protocole relatif à l’évaluation Publication disponible en anglais
- English
Simplified Resource Manual to Support Application of the Protocol on Strategic Environmental AssessmentAvailable in English, in
- Pусский
Доступно на английском и русском языках. (ECE/CEP/168, 48 стр.) Настоящая публикация содержит руководящие принципы, которые предназначены для того, чтобы содействовать превращению мониторинга в практическое средство экологической политики в странах Восточной Европы, Кавказа, Центральной Азии и
- English
Available in English and Russian. (ECE/CEP/168, 46 pp.) This publication contains guidelines to help make monitoring a practical tool for environmental policy for countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia and South-Eastern Europe. The guidelines offer advice on how to: Link air
- English
On 4 July 2012 after the EU Water Initiative Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Sixteenth Working Group meeting Ms. Iulia Trombitcaia, Environmental Affairs Officer at UNECE, told Mr. Artem Paschenko, UN Radio, how the European Union Water Initiative National Policy Dialogues help in
- English
The National Policy Dialogues is the main operational instrument of the EU Water Initiative (EUWI), an international partnership that aims to contribute to the achievement of the water related Millennium Development Goals. UNECE is the strategic partner supporting the policy dialogue process on
- English
Report on implementation of the European Union Water Initiative National Policy Dialogues on Integrated Water Resources Management and on Water Supply and Sanitation (Doc.ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1&2/2012/ INF.4) prepared by UNECE and OECDThis document gives an outline of objectives, current state and
- English
Aarhus Returns to Rio Read moreENGFRE
- English
The second Environmental Performance Review of Romania takes stock of the progress made by Romania in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 2001. It assesses the implementation of the recommendations contained in the first review. This second EPR also covers
- English
Health Effects of Black CarbonThis report presents the results of the first systematic review of evidence of the health effects of black carbon (BC) – an important component of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) of
- English
An updated version of the "Roadmap of the National Policy Dialogue on IWRM in the Republic Tajikistan"The Roadmap of the National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Tajikistan contains information on the contents, key areas and schedule of the NPD on
- English
New brochure (2012) on the National Policy Dialogue prepared for the opening of the Water Convention to all UN Member StatesDownload in English and in
- Pусский
C 2012 года этот обзор работы будет выпускаться совместно ЕЭК ООН и ОЭСР.Национальные диалоги по политике являются основным операционным инструментом Водной инициативы ЕС (ВИЕС), международного партнерства, направленного на достижение связанных с водой Целей развития тысячелетия. ЕЭК ООН
- English
Starting from 2012 this newsletter will be produced jointly by UNECE and OECD.The National Policy Dialogues is the main operational instrument of the EU Water Initiative (EUWI), an international partnership that aims to contribute to the achievement of the water related Millennium Development