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UNFC development continues: key rules of application released for public comment

Generic specifications (secondary rules of application) for the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 2009 (UNFC) were released today for public comment. Comments are invited from all relevant constituencies until 22…

La CEE-ONU renforce la sureté des installations industrielles dans les Balkans

Aujourd'hui s’ouvre à Split, en Croatie, une session de formation de trois jours (22-24 Octobre) sur des inspections d’installations dangereuses, qui comprendra une simulation de l'inspection d’un site de stockage de produits pétroliers. Cette simulation est rendue…

UNECE improves industrial safety in the Balkans

Today marks the opening of a three-day training session (22–24 October 2012) in Split, Croatia, on on-site inspections of hazardous installations, which will include a simulated on-site inspection of an oil storage facility thanks to the cooperation of the Croatian…

Wood must be at the heart of the green economy, say scientists

A green economy must be based on natural, environmentally sound and sustainable materials and goods. For this, wood is surely the ideal candidate. It’s a renewable material, and products made from it store carbon. Through forest products, forests, as well as sequestering carbon, also play a…

The Role of Land Registration in Stimulating the Economy

Good land administration is fundamental to a prosperous society and, therefore, is one key element in addressing the current economic crisis. 

The economic impact of good land administration was the focus of “Supporting Global Economic…

Новые прогнозы по изменению климата для бассейна реки Неман, которые будут обсуждаться на трансграничных совещаниях

Реакцией на недавно полученные результаты первой совместной оценки водных ресурсов по воздействию изменения климата на бассейн реки Неман стала организация ознакомительной поездки по бассейну реки Неман и семинаров, которые пройдут в Беларуси и Литве с 15 по 19…

New climate change projections for the Neman River Basin to be discussed at transboundary meetings in October

In response to new findings from the first joint assessment of water resources and climate change impacts in the Neman Basin River, a field trip and…

La CEE-ONU appelle à une utilisation accrue des voies fluviales

Seuls 7% des marchandises sont transportées par voie fluviale dans l'Union européenne alors que le transport routier représente 78% du tonnage et le rail 15%. Pourtant, en Europe les voies navigables s'étendent sur plus de 29 000 km et comptent plus de 400 ports et…

UNECE calls for increased use of the environment-friendly inland waterways

Only 7% of goods are transported on inland waterways in the European Union whereas road accounts for 78% and rail 15%. Yet, Europe’s navigable inland waterways span over more than 29,000 km with more than 400 important ports and terminals. 22,000 km of these waterways…

UNFC: Key Policy Tool for Energy Strategy Development

The United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 2009 (UNFC) will help Mexico to better understand its total resource base, which in turn will facilitate achievement of its long-term national energy strategy.  This…

A yurt at the Palais des Nations to celebrate World Habitat Day

A traditional yurt, provided by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was installed in the gardens of the Palais des Nations to mark World Habitat Day and other UNECE events and meetings to discuss sustainable housing.

The yurt…

UNECE International Conference on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) agrees to establish a Regional Centre of Excellence to advance PPPs in South-East Europe

The International Conference on Promoting Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Montenegro and South-East Europe unanimously agreed to establish a Regional Centre of Excellence for South-East Europe under the auspices of the UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence…

Progress towards the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management in Turkmenistan

On 27 September 2012 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, the second meeting of the Steering Committee of the National Policy Dialogue (NPD) on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) committed to further progress towards the implementation of IWRM in Turkmenistan following…

UNECE welcomes the ratification of the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers to the Aarhus Convention by Poland

As of 25 September 2012, Poland has become the thirtieth Party to ratify the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus…

20th UN/CEFACT Forum marks progress on electronic business and trade facilitation processes

The UN/CEFACT Forum—a meeting of experts from around the world working within the global remit of the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) and an intergovernmental body of the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for…

Central Asian civil society networks agree to cooperate on water issues in the framework of the UNECE Water Convention

Almaty – Thirty-five representatives of civil society organizations from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Switzerland and Germany created the network of Central Asian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on “Climate. Water. Energy. Health”, during the Central Asian Water…

Азия светит маяком надежды для американских и европейских производителей лесоматериалов

При болезненном состоянии европейской и американской экономики производителям лесоматериалов приходится искать рынки сбыта в других частях света. Азия стала сегодня главным рынком для продукции из региона ЕЭК ООН, а Китай – основным импортером. Потребности Китая определяются как внутренним…

L'Asie offre une lueur d'espoir aux secteurs forestiers américain et européen

Face au malaise général de l'économie européenne et nord-américaine, les fabricants de produits forestiers ont été à l'affût de nouvelles opportunités. L’Asie est dorénavant un marché important pour les produits bois de la région CEE-ONU, la Chine étant devenu le plus gros importateur. Les…

Asia offers beacon of hope for US and European forest-products traders

With the general malaise in the European and North American economy, forest-products manufacturers have been on the lookout for sales opportunities further afield. Today, Asia has become a major market for products from the UNECE region—China being the largest importer. China’s needs are driven…

UNECE Ministerial Conference concludes with commitment to meet the individual and societal challenges triggered by population ageing

The UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing held on 18-20 September 2012 in Vienna, Austria, concluded with the adoption of the Ministerial Declaration “Ensuring a society for all ages: promoting quality of life and active ageing”. The…