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Workshop to support establishing a State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Georgia and Stakeholder Consultations on project implementation “Supporting increased energy security and resilience through energy transition”

19 - 20 June 2024
Public Service Hall, 2 Sanapiro St. Tbilisi Georgia

A capacity-building event that includes the Workshop to support establishing a State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Georgia and Stakeholder Consultations on project implementation “Supporting increased energy security and resilience through energy transition” will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia on 19-20 June 2024.

The Ministry of Energy and Sustainable Development of Georgia (MoESD) has requested UNECE to support the Government of Georgia in creating an agency that would be responsible for promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in the country. A report developed by UNECE that includes case studies from Albania, Croatia, Italy, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine will serve as a basis for the discussions at the workshop. The study and the workshop are activities under the UNECE Regular Programme of Technical Cooperation (RPTC).

Another part of the event is Stakeholder Consultations organized by UNECE and ESCAP with the aim to actively engage stakeholders in Georgia and gather expert opinions to shape the implementation of the project on "Supporting increased energy security and resilience through energy transition."


62666 _ Agenda _ 391716 _ English _ 773 _ 415218 _ pdf

Presentations (Session 1)