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Working Group on Strategies and Review, sixty-second session

27 May (15:00) - 31 May (13:00) 2024
Geneva Switzerland

The meetings will be held in-person only.
There will no longer be an option to attend the meetings virtually.

Venue: Conference room VIII, Palais des Nations


Official documents

59197 _ ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/131 - Annotated provisional agenda for the sixty-second session _ 389188 _ English _ 773 _ 409516 _ pdf
59197 _ ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/131 - Annotated provisional agenda for the sixty-second session _ 389188 _ French _ 780 _ 409517 _ pdf
59197 _ ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/131 - Annotated provisional agenda for the sixty-second session _ 389188 _ Russian _ 864 _ 409518 _ pdf
59197 _ ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/132 - Report of the Working Group on Strategies and Review on its sixty-second session _ 394015 _ English _ 773 _ 426268 _ pdf
59197 _ ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/132 - Report of the Working Group on Strategies and Review on its sixty-second session _ 394015 _ French _ 780 _ 426269 _ pdf
59197 _ ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/132 - Report of the Working Group on Strategies and Review on its sixty-second session _ 394015 _ Russian _ 864 _ 426270 _ pdf
59197 _ ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/2024/1 - Draft plan for the revision of the Gothenburg Protocol, as amended in 2012 _ 389190 _ English _ 773 _ 409595 _ pdf
59197 _ ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/2024/1 - Draft plan for the revision of the Gothenburg Protocol, as amended in 2012 _ 389190 _ French _ 780 _ 409596 _ pdf
59197 _ ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/2024/1 - Draft plan for the revision of the Gothenburg Protocol, as amended in 2012 _ 389190 _ Russian _ 864 _ 409597 _ pdf
59197 _ ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/2024/2 - Proposal for amendments to the rules of procedure _ 389189 _ English _ 773 _ 409882 _ pdf
59197 _ ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/2024/2 - Proposal for amendments to the rules of procedure _ 389189 _ French _ 780 _ 409883 _ pdf
59197 _ ECE/EB.AIR/WG.5/2024/2 - Proposal for amendments to the rules of procedure _ 389189 _ Russian _ 864 _ 409884 _ pdf

Informal documents

60124 _ Agenda item (2) Report of the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen _ 389912 _ English _ 773 _ 410353 _ pdf
60124 _ Agenda item (2) Clean air in cities _ 390703 _ English _ 773 _ 412064 _ pdf
60124 _ Agenda item (4) EU+MS submissions on ROP _ 389914 _ English _ 773 _ 410217 _ pdf
60124 _ Agenda item (4) UK comments on the Rule of Procedures _ 389916 _ English _ 773 _ 410219 _ pdf
60124 _ Agenda item (4) EU + MS submission on RoP – 15 May 2024 _ 391132 _ English _ 773 _ 413397 _ pdf
60124 _ Agenda item (7) CAF Presentation to WGSR62 on Black Carbon _ 391072 _ English _ 773 _ 413209 _ pdf

Presentations and Statements

61874 _ Statement by Ukraine _ 391552 _ English _ 773 _ 414326 _ pdf
61874 _ Statement by the representative of the Russian Federation _ 391551 _ English _ 773 _ 414324 _ pdf
61874 _ Statement by the representative of the Russian Federation _ 391551 _ Russian _ 864 _ 414325 _ pdf
61874 _ Agenda item (2) Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling _ 391386 _ English _ 773 _ 413957 _ pdf
61874 _ Agenda item (2) Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen _ 391505 _ English _ 773 _ 414267 _ pdf
61874 _ Agenda item (2) Task Force on Techno-Economic Issues _ 391506 _ English _ 773 _ 414268 _ pdf
61874 _ Agenda Item (3) CIAM scenarios supporting GP revision _ 391409 _ English _ 773 _ 414042 _ pdf
61874 _ Agenda item (3) Policy Options for Addressing Methane _ 391508 _ English _ 773 _ 414270 _ pdf
61874 _ Agenda item (3) Review new approaches for EECCA, WB and TR _ 391510 _ English _ 773 _ 414272 _ pdf
61874 _ Agenda item (7) A focas on Black Carbon _ 391514 _ English _ 773 _ 414277 _ pdf

List of Participants