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Regional Consultation for African States under UNEA Resolution 5/12 on Environmental Aspects of Minerals and Metals Management

05 - 06 July 2023
Dakar Senegal

The regional consultation for African States, organized by UNEP, will convene under UNEA Resolution 5/12 on Environmental Aspects of Minerals and Metals Management. The purpose is to take stock of existing activities as well as to identify opportunities for enhanced international cooperation with the aim of developing non-prescriptive proposals to enhance the environmental management of minerals and metals along their full life cycle, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The outcomes of the regional consultation will feed into the forthcoming global intergovernmental meeting.

The UNECE Environment and Sustainable Energy Divisions will contribute to the event by making a presentation on the hazards and risks of tailings management facilities, regulatory knowledge gaps and instruments, tools and exercises available to address them to protect human beings and the environment.

More information on the briefing can be found here:  

Presentation Joseph Orangias, on behalf of the UNECE Environment and Sustainable Energy Divisions