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CWC Workshop on Water and Health

14 - 16 May 2008

The main focus of the workshop (announcement) was on the relationship between water and health. The workshop addressed issues related to: access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation; prevention, control and reduction of water-related diseases; sustainable management and protection of water resources; integrated sectors policy development and reform; social and equity aspects related to the right to water. The workshop allowed decision-makers and experts from EECCA countries, from the environment, water management, health, and infrastructure sectors, to exchange experience on national strategies designed to facilitate and integrate such components, as well as challenges related to their implementation.

In particular, the workshop focused on the Protocol on Water and Health and its provisions, in order to analyze and demonstrate the unique way it integrates environment and human well being.

The event was jointly organised by UNECE, UNDP and OSCE - as part of the Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) - in cooperation with WHO-EURO. The European Commission supported the workshop organization as part of the EUWI - EECCA component. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Romania kindly hostsed and co-organized the workshop.

 Workshop’s objectives:

  • Facilitate exchange of countries’ experiences on the regulatory, institutional technical and social and development aspects connected with the application and implementation of national policies/strategies and plans on water and heath
  • Promote the ratification and implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health in the EECCA region and in particular contribute to the process of development and implementation Protocol’s targets at the national level and the setting up of surveillance systems for water-related diseases
  • Promote the understanding of the public health consequences of the work carried out by those responsible for environment and water management, water supply and sanitation and, at the same time, promote understating of the basic principles of water and environment management, water supply and sanitation by those responsible for public health.
  • Identify effective ways of cooperation between the water, environment and health sectors, and explore examples of networks, cooperation, processes and partnerships
  • Identify gaps and opportunities in the region to develop and implement concrete projects and activities improving the public health status through the improvement of people’s access to water and sanitation services
  • Explore and discuss related aspects – including “the right to water” – and its potential support to provisions and objectives under the protocol on Water & Health

The workshop gathered decision-makers from public administration representing water, environmental, and public health institutions, as well as representatives of international organizations, NGOs and the private sector.


Background documentation:



Background Paper

List of participants


Document Title ENG/RUS

Introduction to the workshop programme, objectives and working procedures, Ms. Miriam Feilberg, DHI Water Policy governance for sustainable development


Introduction to the Protocol on Water and Health, Mr. Tomasz Juszczak UNECE


IWRM Planning Process for Kazakhstan - how were health issues addressed? Mr. Alexander Nikolayenko, CAREC


Target setting in accordance with the Protocol on Water and Health, Mr. Mihaly Kadar, National Institute of Environmental Health, Hungary


Surveillance and early warning systems for water-related diseases, Mr Enzo Funari, National Institute of Health, Italy


Protection of source water for drinking water supply: Mr. Mikhail Kalinin, Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources (CRICUWR), Belarus


Challenges in target setting in Ukraine: Mr. Kyryl SeredaState Institute for Management and Economy of Water Resources under State Committee of Ukraine for Water Management


Overview of surveillance of water related diseases in the UNECE region, Ms. Monica Blasi National Institute of Health, Italy


Development and implementation of a financing strategy in the water sector in Moldova, Mr.Victor Caun, Ministry of Public Administration, Relationships with Local Public Authorities Department, Moldova

Development and implementation of a financing strategy in the water sector in Georgia, Mr. Merab Kandelaki, National Agency of Water Supply, Georgia

Feasible Model and how it is used in the urban water sector in EECCA, Jesper Karup Pedersen, COWI


Protocol’s Ad Hoc Project Facilitation Mechanism, Ms. Roisin Rooney, WHO-EURO


Links between the EU Water Initiative and the Ad Hoc Project Facilitation Mechanism, Mr. Rainer Enderlein, UNECE

Cross-sectoral cooperation in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health, Mr. Mihaly Kadar, National Institute of Environmental Health, Hungary


Cross’sectoral cooperation and public participation, The example of Romania: Ms. Anemari Ciurea, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Romania


Monitoring of the Dniester river: cooperation between the water and health sectors and non-governmental organizations, Ms. Tatiana Siniaeva, Ecotiras


Linking water safety plans and IWRM plans, Mr. Rainer Enderlein, UNECE


Water Safety Planning in schools, Ms. Margriet Samwel, WECF


Added value and challenges for public participation in the implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health, Ms. Anna Tsvietkova, Mama 86


Compliance procedure under the Protocol on Water and Health, Ms. Diana Iskreva, member of the Protocol’s Compliance Committee

Background Documents and Presentations

During the workshop, UNDP Stakeholder and Expert Consultation Session took place, and a new regional UNDP Programme on Human Rights-Based Approaches (HRBA) and Water Governance was launched.

Background documents and presentations:


Introduction and Programme

Background notes and questions
UNDP’s work and role in promoting Water Governance in the region, Juerg Staudenmann, Water Governance Advisor, UNDP Bratislava PPT PPT
The concept of Human Rights-based Approaches in the context of water, Louise Nylin, Human Rights Advisor, UNDP Bratislava PPT PPT
Main elements for a Regional Programme on HRBA to WSS, and how it links to the Protocol on Water & Health, Claire Dupont & Esther Pozo Vera, Consultants (Milieu Ltd, Brussels) PPT PPT
Summary of the overall workshop’s evaluation PDF PDF