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The role of Strategic Environmental Assessment in renewable energy planning

Sub-Session at the Seventh International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development

21 October 2016
Baku Azerbaijan

Use of renewable energy undoubtedly contributes to building a more sustainable future of our planet. It is also one of the key actions towards reaching diverse and ambitious goals set by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. However, exploitation of renewable energy resources may also lead to certain environmental problems or risks regarding human health. Environmental assessments, including Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), can be seen as tools which help to maximise environmental and social benefits resulting from renewable energy development, while avoiding or minimizing potential adverse effects.

The sub-session aims to illustrate application of SEA for various strategic documents emphasizing its role in facilitating investments in renewable energy through identifying and mitigating potential risks early in planning cycle, and thus streamlining project level development. The participants will also be invited to discuss the benefits of a harmonised SEA procedure set by the UNECE Protocol on SEA and the role of the UNECE secretariat in facilitating the use of SEA in the renewable energy sector.

Please visit the website of the Seventh International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development for the full information about the event.

Document Title                                                                                                                                      
Draft Agenda


Concept note ENG RUS
List of Participants    
Workshop Summary ENG  

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and the UNECE Protocol on SEA as a tool to facilitate investments in the renewable energy sector

Mr. Martin Smutny, Consultant to the UNECE

Benefits of SEA application in renewable energy sector:    

SEA in hydro and wind-power development: examples from South-East Europe

Ms. Marta Brkic, Dvokut Ecro Ltd., Croatia


SEA of the National Strategy on the Use of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources in Azerbaijan for the years 2015 - 2020

Ms. Aysel Babayeva, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan


Perspective of the International Financial Institutions: EBRD experience with SEA

Ms. Olena Borysova, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)