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Fourth CWC workshop on "River basin commissions and other institutions for transboundary water cooperation"

23 - 24 November 2007

The Workshop on “River basin commissions and otherinstitutions for transboundary water cooperation” was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan23-25 October, 2007, back to back with the annual regional meeting of the “UNDP Water Community of Practice” 25 -26 October 2007. The two consecutive workshops wereco-organized by UNECE, UNDP, and OSCE. The objective of the CWC workshop on “River basin commissions and otherinstitutions for transboundary water cooperation” was to build capacity and exchangeexperience between EECCA countries, organizations and projects with regard toinstitutions for the joint management of transboundary waters; and to promote theestablishment of efficient joint bodies - river basin commissions or other appropriateinstitutional arrangements - in the region.

The workshop brought together representatives of established joint bodies, policy - anddecision-makers, scientists and representatives of international organizations and NGOsinvolved in transboundary water management from EECCA countries.The workshop illustrated good practices and lessons-learned in EECCA, and in the rest ofthe UNECE, UNDP and OSCE areas, and identified recommendations and steps needed to support the establishment of a sustainable framework for cooperation on transboundary waters.

The annual “UNDP Water Community of Practice (CoP)” meeting started on the 25thright after the CWC workshop, and lasted until 26 October 2007. The main objective of this meeting was to provide an update on recent trends anddevelopments in the water sector. The discussion focused on on-going and future UNDPprojects and activities in areas such as National IWRM Planning, Climate Change andAdaptation, Financing and Public-Private Partnerships for Water and Sanitation, ENVSECactivities in Central Asia, as well as on tools to enhance knowledge exchange and networking in Europe & CIS and beyond.


List of participants

Background material ENG RUS




Background paper on River Basin Commissions and other institutions for transboundary water cooperation


DOC(extended outline) 

Presentations ENG RUS

Development of Integrated Management Plan for Ili-Balkhash Basin, Mr. Iskander Mirkhashimov, Project Manager



Fostering a Dialogue between Riparian States for Development and Establishment of Initial Legal and Institutional Frameworks for Increased Cooperation and Joint Management in the Kura-Aras River Basin, Mr. M. Adeishvili, Project Leader, UNDP-GEF, Georgia



Investing in Kazakhstan with SACE, Mr. Fabio Fritelli, SACE



Joint bodies according to the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, Ms. Francesca Bernardini, UNECE



Establishment of the Chu-Talas Commission between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan,
Mr. B. Koshmatov, General Director, Water Department of the Kyrgyz Republic



Chu-Talas Secretariat between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Mr. B Koshmatov, General Director, Water Department of the Kyrgyz Republic



Convention on the Protection of the Danube River, Mr. D. Drumea, Moldova



ICWC – achievements and future challenges: water partnership on the way to sustainable development, Mr. V.Dukhovnyi, Director, SIC-ICWC



EIA in transboundary Context, Mr. O. Pechenyuk. Eco-Expertise



Activities of the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea,
Mr. M. Kazakov, EC-IFAS



Presentation on Naryn-Syrdarya, Mr. A. Zyrianov, Deputy Director JSC “Electricity Stations”, Mr. E. Orolbayev, Consultant, Kyrgyzstan



Dispute settlement by Joint Bodies, Ms.Iulia Trombitcaia, Consultant



Institutional arrangements in transboundary water cooperation, Ms.Iulia Trombitcaia, Consultant



Rules of procedure and other administrative documents, Ms.Iulia Trombitcaia, Consultant



River Basin Commissions-Mosel and Saar, Mr.Jean-Marie RIES, Water Management Administration, Luxembourg



Sava River Basin Commission, Mr. D. Zeljko, Deputy Secretary for River Basin Management and Water Planning in the Secretariat of the Sava Commission



Integrated Water Resources Management in the South Caucasus, Mr. Zurab Jincharadze, South Caucasus Water Program

