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Energy-efficient Housing as a participatory effort between policies, private sector and the people in the wider European region

Joint networking event by the City of Vienna, UNECE and UN-Habitat

05 September 2012
Naples Italy

Wednesday, 5 September 2012, 14:00-16:00 in Pavilion 6, Room 8 at the World Urban Forum 6 in Naples, Italy

Energy efficiency is a key solution to address the energy crisis and climate change. Increasing energy efficiency in housing and cities targets a range of sectors, including building and transport, but also people behaviour, economic development and international cooperation.

Many countries in the UNECE region, especially in Central Asia, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, have comparably low energy efficiency levels in housing. This is placing additional strain on households and societies and jeopardizing global climate change mitigation efforts.

This event brings together experience in sustainable access to energy and energy-efficient housing with a focus on dissemination, discussion and collection of practices: showing what works, how it has worked and what the legislative and practical frameworks for these practices were. A project to develop a casebook of good practices will be launched with several key cases presented.

Agenda  English Russian